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Caitlin Clark
Tiger Boards - Women's Sports
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Replies: 20
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Caitlin Clark


Mar 3, 2024, 1:23 PM

There are millions of opinions about how athletes influence kids and their sports but here is mine about Caitlin Clark. Clark is to girl's basketball what Michael or Lebron are to boy's and men's basketball or as Tiger is to golf. You can argue that her record is only for D1 or that she had the 3 point shot where Pete didn't, but if you watched the pre game show and saw her signing jersey after jersey for both little girls and boys, you saw what an influence she is. It would have been special if Iowa State would have come to Clemson to play, but my guess is there are thousands of girls watching the game today and maybe, just maybe, one of them will be wearing orange and will be our Caitlin Clark one day.

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Re: Caitlin Clark


Mar 3, 2024, 1:25 PM

Sorry, Iowa, not Iowa State.

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Dont disagree but Dawn Staley, Aja Wilson and Aliyah Boston


Mar 3, 2024, 1:38 PM

have been doing it in South Carolina for a longer time.

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Re: Dont disagree but Dawn Staley, Aja Wilson and Aliyah Boston


Mar 4, 2024, 2:02 PM

None of them, even Dawn Staley with her 30 years of being a huge name in women's basketball, have had anywhere close to the impact Clark has had the last two years.

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Re: Caitlin Clark


Mar 3, 2024, 1:44 PM

She is a big deal now. She will be a big deal when the Olympics come around as well. I don't think the WNBA is that big of a deal though. She will be like Mia Hamm was with soccer. JMO. I wish her the best of course though.

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Re: Caitlin Clark


Mar 4, 2024, 8:47 AM

She's a great ambassador for women's basketball and a tremendous scorer, but her record should most definitely come with an asterisk.

She played an extra season than Maravich, Maravich did not have an opportunity to shoot 3's, Maravich played when there was no shot clock so opposing teams could try holding the ball and most schools played fewer games even within the same season.

Her achievement is remarkable, but it's definitely not an apples to apples comparison at all.

If the record comes without an asterisk, The Maris family should ask for a do over.

2024 orange level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I think we can just appreciate what a wonderful career she's had


Mar 4, 2024, 12:41 PM

without "whatabouts", comparison to some dude from the 60s.

She will, without question, go down as one of (if not THE) greatest female hoops players of all time.

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Re: I think we can just appreciate what a wonderful career she's had

Mar 4, 2024, 9:06 AM

The only reason she is in the news all the time right now is bc of those what abouts. She literally is being compared to what about Pete. So, your comment holds no water.

Yes she is a great player. OPs point is well taken and important to know the context.

Glad she is a great role model.

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Lol ok. Not her fault people interject nonsense***


Mar 4, 2024, 8:19 PM

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I don't see why the Marovich comparison is even relevant

Mar 4, 2024, 10:10 AM [ in reply to Re: Caitlin Clark ]

The only reason why the differences between Marovich's day's rules and today's is relevant is if we consider her to be playing the same sport as him. The mens' and womens' games are different games, and as such the records are distinct primarily for that reason, far more than 3 point lines, number of games and so forth. If Pete had had the same rules and parameters as her, it still wouldn't amount to her breaking his record - they're two different games or sports within the larger NCAA athletic umbrella.

Clark is a fantastically talented player, but the overly conspicuous need to smooth out all male-female differences for the sake feminist ideology is contrived non-sense and a detraction from the real achievement of her breaking Plum's record. No one believes she's superior to Pete Maravich. It's propaganda. It's also no insult at all to her talents to notice this distinction for what it is, rather than playing along with tiresome modern narratives.

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Re: Caitlin Clark


Mar 4, 2024, 2:08 PM [ in reply to Re: Caitlin Clark ]

It took Maravich like 600 more shots and 300 more FT attempts to get there. All of your "less games, slower pace, no shot clock" kinda falls apart when you recognize she was wildly more efficient in getting there than he was. LSU's entire gameplan was to force feed Maravich as many shots as possible even at the expense of team success.

And if you want to keep doing all the "well Maravich didn't have the 3 point line" or whatever stuff...Maravich also played in the diluted talent era of pre-integration basketball.

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Re: Caitlin Clark

Mar 4, 2024, 10:51 PM [ in reply to Re: Caitlin Clark ]

I'd never paid enough attention to know Pete only played 3 years of college ball.

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Re: Caitlin Clark


Mar 4, 2024, 10:03 AM

Im glad she did it and she beat the coots last year.

2024 student level member flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

It's great for women's sports and therefore for young girls everywhere


Mar 4, 2024, 10:36 AM

I do think there should be some type of asterisk or something regarding the career scoring record. The disparity between Maravich and Clark is significant when you take into account that he did it in fewer years and without the 3-point shot. She wouldn't even be close if those were taken into account. But that does nothing to minimize her impact on the game and women's sports in general.

When I was at Clemson, Title IX was coming into play and men's sports were getting axed. We all pretty much hated it and thought it was stupid. But now that I'm a dad, and have a daughter, I think it's great. I love watching gymnastics, lacrosse and softball and seeing all the parents - especially dads - there with their little girls who have someone like them to look up to and that they can emulate. Football is fun, but a girl will never be a college QB or linebacker or whatever. But they can play lacrosse, gymnastics, soccer, basketball, softball, tennis, track, rowing - all at Clemson.

All in all, her influence is huge and incredibly positive for women's sports, and subsequently for little girls' dreams and goals.

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Re: It's great for women's sports and therefore for young girls everywhere


Mar 4, 2024, 6:49 PM

Not being critical but you left golf out. Girls play golf....and quite well too. 😄

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Re: It's great for women's sports and therefore for young girls everywhere

Mar 4, 2024, 8:52 PM [ in reply to It's great for women's sports and therefore for young girls everywhere ]

There doesn’t need to be an asterisk because she is the all time leading scorer in NCAAW history. Pistol Pete is the all time leading scorer in NCAAM. There’s no official record for combined men’s and women’s. That’s because they are two completely different sports.

That takes nothing away from CC. She’s the best college women’s basketball player ever. Soon to be best WNBA player ever. If she starts breaking records in WNBA are we going to start comparing those records to NBA? No because they are two completely different sports.

We’ve got to stop trying to compare women and men in athletics because we are made different and aren’t meant to compete against one another because women would have zero chance. CC as good as she is couldn’t play for a mens D2 BB team if she was even allowed.

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Someone fd up Title IX when he got in office***

Mar 4, 2024, 10:55 PM [ in reply to It's great for women's sports and therefore for young girls everywhere ]

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: Caitlin Clark - she is a FANtastic player and person - GOOD FOR HER***

Mar 4, 2024, 1:50 PM

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Re: Caitlin Clark


Mar 4, 2024, 6:57 PM

I'm a fan of Clark. I don't care that she has a 3pt line and Maravich didn't. You play with what you have. I do know that she's scored all these points on 600 less shots with a better FG% than Pete and without a coach daddy whose game plan was "give the ball to my son and get a rebound if he misses."

Just appreciate the greatness, why dontcha?

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Re: Caitlin Clark

Mar 4, 2024, 8:01 PM

Caitlin appears to GOAT women’s player.

But Pete Maravich > Caitlin Clark.

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She is fun to watch.


Mar 4, 2024, 9:29 PM

I don't care about records, and I really don't care about basketball, but she is fun to watch.

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Replies: 20
| visibility 1852
Tiger Boards - Women's Sports
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