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Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds
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Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds


Jul 5, 2024, 8:54 PM

Fascinating article by NY Magazine’s Olivia Nuzzi; “The Conspiracy of Silence to Protect Joe Biden.” July 4, 2024.

The majority of the article is not particularly interesting, in that it is gossipy. (The gossipy bulk of the article pertains to how Democrat insiders / big shots had privately been expressing concerns about out the wherewithal of the 2024 version of J.Biden, whereas the self-congratulatory author of the article reminds the readers of HER recognition of J.Biden’s obviously significant decline starting with the ‘basement Biden’ of 2020.)

(*). The interesting parts are insights into the thinking of what truly appears to be a sincere left wing journalist who has, one way or the other, been indoctrinated into the highly partisan mindset that the Democrat party’s only major ills are when superficial characteristics of their leaders portray weakness or incompetence. To them, the Democrat party’s spoon-fed messaging to the political reporters is categorical truth, whereas criticisms of the Democrat messaging is Q-Anon misinformation. The author (shockingly to her), draws the conclusion that, with respect to the matter of J.Biden’s manifest mental and vitality problems, the views of Q-Anon’ers and Dem insider big shots have converged. She also admits that the years-stated refrain from Q-Anon’ers and some pro-Democrat supporters (which, only recently now includes her) have converged with respect to the belief that Joe hasn’t been calling the shots, but that staffers have been doing the work of the president.

Predictably dismaying (to non-leftists) are her views of about Joe & Jill Biden being sweet, caring people who care so much about America and how the Biden Admin has restored “normalcy” to the WH after four years of uncertainty under Trump.

(*). Joe’s and Jill’s kindness is established in the minds of the author because of the personal comfort that she feels when either / both of them interact with her.

- - - Joe has a “sweet voice” and personable facial expressions; this apparently is a big factor in her favorable view of J.Biden The President.
Not kidding.

- - - Jill is a ‘caring woman’ who stood against the suspicious (about the author) other members of the Biden family who proved her first-lady-like credentials by being kind to the author upon learning of the death of the author’s mother.
No opinion about the ambitious Jill Biden who is driving her fading husband to both remain in power -&- to seek re-election because she likes the limelight and the power.

(*). “Normalcy,” as per the author’s world view, is an administration that uses inflation as a silent tax that has the effect of transferring money -from- hard-working non-politically connected / non-bureaucrat / non-public education employees / non-college employees / non-crony capitalists sphere -to- people in the politically connected / bureaucrat / publican education / college / crony capitalist world.
In other words, the non-connected people and their troubles mean nothing to her; the non-connected Americans are simply impediments to be exploited who just need to shut up and pay their taxes.

Just think about the millions of willingly brainwashed self-centered Americans who despise the millions of other Americans who are sick and tired of paying for the cozy lives of politically favored class.


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Re: Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds


Jul 5, 2024, 11:13 PM

America.... "Land of the cozy"

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Re: Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds

Jul 6, 2024, 7:11 AM

Upon reading her fatuous praise about the goodness of Joe Biden, I have to wonder whether the author is expressing her honest sentiments, in which she MUST be oblivious about how Joe didn’t just cheat on his first wife and marry the baby-sitter (Jill), but he stole his best friend’s wife.
How could she have not known, regarding the car accident death of his then-ex wife, that Joe blamed the collision on the truck driver instead of his hammered ex-wife, and then proceeded to publicly blame the accident on the trucker I er who ‘drank his lunch’ before ‘killing’ his ex in the collision? Joe essentially ruined an innocent man’s life in order to score political points.
How could she not have known Joe’s role in Hunter’s failed attempts for kick the drug habit; Joe kept drug addled Hunter neck deep in the high life style world of exotic entertainment as part of his foreign blackmail and bribery … uh, I mean unregistered foreign agent … family business. Everyone knows that the best way to help out a drug addict is to keep him in the presence of drug using partiers. Those drug-free self-recovery environments are for sissies, “I’m not kidding!”
As if the above is not enough proof of ‘Joe The Decent Man’ examples, how did the author not know of Joe-the-Decent-Man’s decision to to try and stonewall public awareness of grandchild #7 by refusing to proactively admit to her existence … simply because the innocent granddaughter was birthed by one of Hunter’s hookers surely is the measure of a decent man. It’s not as if Joe was the donor-of-seed in this case? He was willing to throw the granddaughter under the bus because he believed that HUNTER’s irresponsibility made Joe look bad.

Or, is the author nothing more than a skilled pro-Demicrat-reprobate cover-up artist?

Either way, this writer exemplifies some combination of media corruption and/or naievity that she herself exemplifies.

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Do you have any cite for some of your claims?....

Jul 6, 2024, 7:52 AM

You say Neilia Biden was "hammered" when she had the crash. Cite?

You say Joe was cheating on Neilia with Jill? Cite?

Was Joe best friends with Bill Stevenson? Cite?

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No cites?***

Jul 7, 2024, 8:23 AM [ in reply to Re: Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds ]

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Re: No cites?***

Jul 7, 2024, 8:33 AM

You actually read that diatribe? More lower to you. They are usually so nuts. Was this one somewhat sane?

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It was RTD's usual garbled pile of junk.


Jul 7, 2024, 8:52 AM

I just wanted to see what he was "reading" that convinced him to post that Biden's first wife was "hammered" when she had the tragic crash that killed her and her daughter, and I wanted evidence on some of the other claims, too.

Remember when the right went after the Clintons? Making them into murderers and stuff like that? I'm sure they'd like to do something similar to Joe & Jill if they could get away with it.

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Neilia Hunter Bidens killed by drunk driver crash - the real story

Jul 7, 2024, 1:59 PM [ in reply to Re: No cites?*** ]

From Heavy.com. October 2020.

Myth of Neilia Hunter Biden’s car crash death, as being caused by a drunk truck driver, is debunked. The truck driver was never charged with any crime, yet Joe Biden made political hay (with Joe, of course, being the grieving ex-husband) for decades by blaming the crash on a truck driver who ‘drank his lunch.’

Joe’s jackhammering of this terrible lie destroyed much of the quality of life for the innocent truck driver. Not that this mattered one iota to Joe; as a sociopath, Joe has no remorse about any lie that advances his own ambitions.

It would be incredible to fathom that any intelligent, attentive-to-politics Americans would still be unaware of this highly prominent Joe Biden whopper, but we’ve all witnessed the legions of brainwashed Americans … slaves to the political ideology that they do desperately want to be true … who close off their minds to information that challenges their ideology.


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Joe betrays friend B.Stevenson while his then wife Jill babysat Beau & Hunter

Jul 7, 2024, 1:41 PM [ in reply to No cites?*** ]

From the South China Morning Post - July 3, 2024 -“ Who is Jill Biden’s Trump-supporting ex-husband Bill Stevenson? He just spoke out against her and Joe Biden, and founded a bar with the first lady where Bruce Springsteen and Metallica once performed”

To anyone who isn’t aware, P.R.China HATES Trump. Kind of interesting that this article from SCMP was as critical of Joe Biden as it was.

Forensic proof of the extra-marital boogabooga between Joe and baby sitter Jill isn’t available.

Whether or not Bill Stevenson had considered Joe to be his “best” friend is not clear. Bill regarded Joe highly enough as a friend to be a meaningful fund raiser for him early in Joe’s political career.

As far as Joe’s view of Bill as his best friend, admittedly no one knows. Joe is a sociopath; there is no such thing as a true ‘best friend’ to a sociopath.

SIDEBAR: Bill Stevenson also briefly describes the genesis for one of Joe’s innumerable lies (e.g., the football star lie).


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Got it, thanks. So you have nothing to back up what you said:

Jul 7, 2024, 5:45 PM

You have nothing to suggest Neilia was "hammered". In fact, police said alcohol wasn't involved in the accident.

You have nothing to suggest that Biden was cheating on his first wife with Jill.

And you have nothing to suggest Joe and Bill Stevenson were best friends.

You made all of that up.

I know you hate Biden and Dems and "librulz". But these posts make you look completely unhinged, like you're a Russian bot or something.

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Re: Got it, thanks. So you have nothing to back up what you said:

Jul 7, 2024, 9:36 PM

I was wrong about the ‘Neilia was drunk’ comment.

I was probably wrong about Joe Biden cheating on Neilia (who died in 1972) with Jill. Jill’s ex-husband Bill Stevenson became aware of Jill’s affair with Joe in 1974. Maybe Joe didn’t start messing around with Jill until,after Neilia’s death; maybe he did. Since Bill Stevenson’s report cites 1974 as the time when he became aware of the affair, it is reasonable to assume that Joe’s affair with Jill didn’t take place until after Neilia died.

What’s undeniable is that the guy you and your propagandists defend is Joe’s hijacked victimhood (the grieving ex-husband) by virtue of Biden’s lies that (1) the truck driver caused the accident [categorically false, & Joe knew this). By Joe’s decades long repetition of his terrible lie that ‘it wasn’t just the trucker’s fault, but that the trucker was also drunk’, makes your defense of Joe (by virtue of refusing to publicly admit that Joe’s sociopathy is OK with you) deplorable.

Your equivocation about the incorrect ‘she was drunk’ aspect of my claim as a tacit defense of Your Boy exposes who you for who you really are.

As a sociopath, Joe Biden cannot have persons who can really be best friends. As with other sociopaths such as narcotics dealers, the ‘friends’ of the sociopath are simply human beings who can be exploited or used. As soon as the exploitative aspects of the ‘friend’ go away, so does the sociopath.

Joe Biden could not have had Bill Stevenson, or any other person that he isn’t / wasn’t exploiting for personal advantage, as his ‘best friend.’ That said, Bill Stevenson wrongly considered Joe Biden to be a very good friend.

Thus, once again, you’ve resorted to equivocation (‘Joe and Bill were not BEST friends’) to defend Joe’s exploitation of Bill (via his role in Jill’s cheating) as being a ‘so what’ defense. You aren’t fooling anyone.


Attached is a more detailed account of Joe’s affair with Jill, and additional details about how Bill put the puzzle together.


Bill Stevenson provides circumstantial evidence that his then-wife Jill and Joe Biden were having an affair. It was bad enough that Bill, who had no other reason to want to end his marriage with Jill, filed for divorce.

That Bill Stevenson found out about the accident of a family automobile from the mechanic who was repairing the car … Jill didn’t proactively report that she was with Joe Biden at the time; neither did she admit that Joe Biden was driving the car when the accident occurred … was a noticeable factor in Bill’s suspicion that Jill was cheating on him.

In a separate incidence, a mutual friend of Bill Stevenson and then-wife Jill that ‘Jill and Joe are becoming too close’ was another key factor in leading Bill to believe that Jill was having an affair with Joe.

Evidence of deception in a marriage, particularly when the deceptive spouse is interacting surreptitiously with a person of the opposite sex, is commonly and justifiably viewed as a potential affair.

When confronted about this, Jill didn’t deny having an affair with Joe.

History has revealed to us that both Joe and Jill Biden are profligate liars. No such historical evidence paints Bill Stevenson in the same light.

There was no Monica Lewinsky ‘blue dress’ forensic evidence. Seldom is there forensic evidence of an affair. Various pieces of information and context are how affairs which are not admitted by the cheater are determined. Proven liar Jill said that it didn’t happen. Bill, of whom we have no indication of lying, says it did.


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Re: Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds


Jul 7, 2024, 9:14 AM [ in reply to Re: Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds ]

The Bidens are a bunch of white trash who are able to get away with it because the Big Guy is a Democrat in good standing.

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Re: Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds

Jul 7, 2024, 9:42 AM

Nobody more white trash than Trump. He is even banned from every Hamptons country club. He has always been trash.

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Re: Q-Anon views & Dem elite views converge: NY Mad insight into Dem minds

Jul 7, 2024, 9:45 PM

See above, back and forth with gosmitty.

In behaving so deplorably in his several decades as an elected official, and with Jill Biden being his ‘soul mate’ wife during most of that time, Joe Biden and his wife (kids too) are the worst kind of white trash.

The Bidens are bunch of sociopaths.

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