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DISH tailgater
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DISH tailgater

Sep 12, 2018, 11:44 AM

my tailgate has been in Lot 7 the past couple years and we have tried different methods such as over the air antenna (which worked but not perfect)to watch TV. Looking to upgrade to a tailgater and the pay as you go from DISH. Does anyone on here use that setup in a heavily wooded area, if so how well does it pick up channels? TIA

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as long as you have an unobstructed view of the southern sky

Sep 12, 2018, 11:50 AM

you are good

trees are bad

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I've used the Dish Tailgater for years....

Sep 12, 2018, 11:51 AM

We park in Lot 6 with a tree adjacent to our space.

Never had a problem. You just need a fairly unobstructed view of the sky to you southwest.

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Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.

We have one and park in a wooded lot...

Sep 12, 2018, 11:56 AM

and just bring about 100 foot of cable to run it to an area where it unobstructed.

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DISH also came out with the playmaker

Sep 12, 2018, 12:14 PM

.but , like the tailgayer, it is also limited to the western arc satillites .

many like the path away x2 which can find eastern arcs also. it is as lot bigger and twice the cost.

I use a winguard carryout mp1..works with dish and direct tv..small..portable and cheap. .but it is manual.

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Geville Tiger on Clemson football , "Dabo's only problem is he has to deal with turd fans questioning every move he makes.”

DISH for my RV App

Sep 12, 2018, 12:22 PM

We had some trouble finding a clear view to the sats so we downloaded an app called "Dish for my RV". Just point it at the sky and you can see exactly where they are are located. It turns out we needed to elevate the dish about 3 feet to get a clear view over a building that was in the way. Hope this helps and good luck!

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There is an app for that...

Sep 12, 2018, 12:31 PM

Get the App "Satellite Pointer" to get your answer, but you will need to know which satellites your dish and network uses. The Dish Tailgater uses 110, 119, and 129 in the "western arc". Those are lower to the horizon than most others.

The other limitation is that the maximum distance from the receiver to the dish is 50ft.

Don't buy one unless you know if will work.

Edit: Actually that should be "Playmaker" not the Tailgater.

Message was edited by: Tiger1983®

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Re: There is an app for that...

Sep 12, 2018, 1:23 PM

The dish tailgater uses the same satellites (110, 119, and 129). You don't necessarily need a view of them all in order to watch tv, but certain channels are only shown on certain satellites. http://www.alanthompson.com/dish-network-satellite-tv-channel-listings.asp

I'm in lot 1 under the trees, so I had to run it up the hill or towards the middle of the lot to get a clear view of the satellites. I bought a 150' heavy duty cable (RG11) to run between the dish and the receiver, and have had no problems. It may take a few extra minutes to set up, but once it's up, it's good to go as long as the dish doesn't get moved.

I've heard you can also buy a signal booster that helps with the longer runs, but I can't verify that it would help.

The key is buying a better cable and quality connectors. The fewer connectors the better as well. Mine wouldn't work with 2 50' RG6 cables joined together, but a 150' RG11 with better connectors has given me no issues.

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Re: DISH tailgater

Sep 12, 2018, 12:44 PM

I have a used one if you decide you want a Dish Tailgater. 3363378241 if interested

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Re: DISH tailgater

Sep 12, 2018, 12:44 PM

I have a used one if you decide you want a Dish Tailgater. 3363378241 if interested

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Re: DISH tailgater

Sep 12, 2018, 1:27 PM

Just be advised that you WILL NOT get your locals in HD using the tailgater or playmaker. You'll need an eastern arc dish that looks at satellites 61.5, 77, and 72.7 for that. Don't let anyone from DISH tell you otherwise. I think an above poster recommended the Pathway, its about the only automatic one that will get you the eastern arc satellites, but it's also more $$$$$.

Also, if you are running a two receiver setup, be advised that you have a primary receiver and a secondary receiver. Different channels come off different satellites, so you're limited to the channels that come off whatever satellite your main receiver is viewing at the moment.

For example: If your main receiver is on ESPN, and ESPN comes off satellite 119 (western arc) and you want to watch a game on ESPN2 on your second receiver, but ESPN2 comes off satellite 110, you will get a "no signal" error when trying to watch ESPN2 on your second receiver.

If you are running 1 receiver and don't mind watching the games on local channels in SD, you are golden.

Hope this helps.

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