The following is a photo of the rear wheel well which had to be replaced. It was dented which is seen by looking at the shadows. I won't have bondo in my baby.
The next pig is the after and don't get upset at the wrinkles showing above the patch I welded in. It's just scars from using a heavy sandpaper to remove the feather edge of the bondo and it's mostly factory primers, sealers and a bit of body putty. Body putty will fix this to factory condition. The other side of the car is in about the same shape. Both of these spots should be fun to deal with.
Cleaning under the sheet metal and hood are not going to be fun.
I spent part of the day trouble shooting the 230v gable fan. I think it's the condenser getting hot and shutting off my fresh air. I have a bag full of condensers so if that's the case the cost will be cheap.