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Rival Killer [3066]
TigerPulse: 92%
Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 5:12 PM
basically said we are spoiled. Main point he stressed is after we won our first ACC Championship there were 5,000 people greeting the buses back at Clemson. This year there was no one. We have double digit season victories for 11 consecutive years. We have won two National Championships., etc., etc., etc. I agree with him 100% but have to give him minor credit for the recent dissatisfaction with the fans in that Dabo constantly has preached that Best is Standard and we have not done our best on occasion.
Bottom line is success spoils. I’m old enough to remember when Bear Bryant came on t.v. and lambasted the Alabama fanbase because they were up in arms because Alabama only won seven of the 10 games they played that year.. I think I might be right when I say he said that we went to the final four six consecutive years and Even Alabama never did that.
Ring of Honor [22649]
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Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 5:17 PM
Once the bar gets set higher, so do the expectations. Once upon a time going to a Bowl game would draw a crowd of fans when the team got home. Then, winning the ACC did it. Then, making the playoffs did it. And finally, winning NCs did it. You can't expect fans to be standing 5-deep at the airport for an ACC Conference Championship. We are way past that in terms of expectations.
Just keeping it real. Now, if it's basketball we're talking about...
Rival Killer [3066]
TigerPulse: 92%
Great point re: basketball. If we won the ACC tournament
Feb 1, 2023, 5:25 PM
I would surely hope 5,000 people would be there to greet the team.
Tiger Spirit [9586]
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Game Changer [1701]
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yeah he assuredly did not bring up the $10 million his salary difference between now and then
Feb 1, 2023, 5:43 PM
I’d be happy to readjust my expectations if we readjust his salary
Solid Orange [1321]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: yeah he assuredly did not bring up the $10 million his salary difference between now and then
Feb 1, 2023, 6:54 PM
Agree completely.
Playmaker [375]
TigerPulse: 89%
Paw Master [17501]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 10:08 PM
[ in reply to Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and ] |
slwcu79 if that is true then I believe it’s sad our fan feel this way. I have seen post on Tigernet and listened to fans on sports talk shows. Many have stated that Dabo, his staff and the players do not have the same level of energy the 2015-2018 teams had. Player’s and coach’s feed of the Energy from then fan’s. IMO the fans does not have the same level of energy as in the past. When the team buses show up with a few fans or no fans to greet them, I believe it affects the energy output of the player’s and coaches.
I remember how difficult it was to get a BG ticket in 78’, 79’ and especially after the 81’ NC it was difficult to get tickets and fans were so excited. IMO our fans have lost that level energy that I could feel even watching the games on TV. It also feels like some fan’s have lost interest in Clemson Football. If we want Clemson to get back to the mountain top, fans have a major role to play and a big responsibility to help re-energize the program, the coaches and the players. And recruits that come to Clemson for visits. Fans play an important role when recruits are on campus. They feed off of the energy from a school’s fan base.
Let’s Go Tiger fans. Let college football and ESPN know The Clemson Tigers are back !!!
Message was edited by: wueagle86®
Letterman [162]
TigerPulse: 93%
Bandwagon jumpers
Feb 1, 2023, 5:18 PM
I see it constantly ripping clemson last 2 years. They werent around for Tommy west or Tommy Bowden. Just came on when Clemson got national attention.
Tiger Titan [49750]
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Or, maybe they were around for West and Bowden
Feb 1, 2023, 5:32 PM
but have higher expectations now because we invest a whole lot more in our football program now, have an easier path to a successful season, and have had high level success in the recent past.
I haven’t listened to Dabo’s comments yet, but if he’s calling our fans spoiled then I don’t think that will go well for him.
Hall of Famer [8711]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Or, maybe they were around for West and Bowden
Feb 1, 2023, 5:38 PM
He didn’t say spoiled. He said sometimes people lose perspective.
Tiger Titan [49750]
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I can understand that.
Feb 1, 2023, 5:40 PM
It’s human nature.
I’m sure Dabo loses perspective sometimes too.
Top TigerNet [31689]
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Re: I can understand that.
Feb 1, 2023, 7:04 PM
do you think he has lost perspective as “many times” as “brad” has LOST basketball games?
sirius replies only.
Ring of Honor [22649]
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Re: Or, maybe they were around for West and Bowden
Feb 1, 2023, 6:36 PM
[ in reply to Or, maybe they were around for West and Bowden ] |
We don't have higher expectations because of what we have invested. The average fan doesn't think anything about that. We have higher expectations because we have succeeded at higher levels over a consistent period of time and those now become our expectations so, when things fall short we may or may not be unfairly disappointed.
Imagine what it must be like to be an Alabama fan. They truly do not consider it a successful season unless they win the NC. That's when you know the bar can't be set any higher.
Message was edited by: slwcu79®
Tiger Titan [49750]
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I think most of our fans are aware that we’ve invested hundreds of millions of dollars
Feb 1, 2023, 11:12 PM
into facilities in order to have the finest in college football.
I also think most of our fans know that Dabo makes $10 million a year and is one of the highest paid coaches in college football.
That is absolutely part of why people expect more now, along with our playoff appearances and championships in the last decade,
Game Changer [1604]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Or, maybe they were around for West and Bowden
Feb 2, 2023, 12:09 AM
[ in reply to Or, maybe they were around for West and Bowden ] |
Judge, the money will flow into BasketBall as soon as we win the ACC. Dabo won the ACC then he got the money.
Tiger Titan [49750]
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This BS keeps getting repeated AND IT ISN’T TRUE.
Feb 2, 2023, 12:21 AM
Significant investments were made before Dabo won anything.
For example, Kevin Steele was a top DC we paid a lot of money to come from Alabama to be DC. We hadn’t won anything at that point.
Chad Morris was brought on before we had won anything.
The new indoor football building was announced before we had won anything.
And shockingly, after these things were in place, we started winning more! Amazing how that works, isn’t it?
But anyway, the notion that Dabo proved himself before Clemson invested big in the program has to stop. I know it helps justify people’s desire to go cheap on basketball, and also reinforces the blue collar, we ain’t got no money so we work harder than everyone else ideal some of you like to have of Clemson, but it’s false.
Paw Warrior [5015]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Bandwagon jumpers
Feb 1, 2023, 7:43 PM
[ in reply to Bandwagon jumpers ] |
I wasn’t around for outside toilets but can appreciate today without remembering when …what was West getting paid? High expectations is a good thing ..the past bar has been raised, to best is the standard .. thank you Dabo !!!
Paw Master [17501]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Bandwagon jumpers
Feb 1, 2023, 11:04 PM
[ in reply to Bandwagon jumpers ] |
Many fans do not see that not only did Dabo receive more fan support a lot of money was invested into the program so Dabo could hire better assistants and improve the facilities.
Tommy Bowden did not get everything promised when he accepted job. But I give home credit for starting the culture change and leaving Dabo with a solid foundation.
A fan base shows it’s true colors when their team goes through adversity. Seen several jump off the wagon since we missed the playoffs.
But I believe that Dabo still strongly pushes “ Best is The Standard “. It’s time for Clemson fans to show they are “ All In “.
Top TigerNet [30764]
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The problem is simple
Feb 1, 2023, 5:27 PM
Yes, as you said, success can spoil fanbases.
But the issue with laying guilt at the feet of the phrase "The Best is the Standard" is a simple misunderstanding of what that means. The phrase was never intended (as evidenced by Dabo's own words) to imply that anything other than winning every game by 40 on the way to a national title is a failure. The phrase means that each person giving their best in their roles is the only way to maximize success as a unit. It seems to me to be fairly clear that "Best is the Standard" was never intended to invite fans to gripe about not winning every game, but rather was a call for every person to do *their* best in the roles they have in relation to the team. Coaches are called to coach to the best of their abilities, players are called to play to the best of their abilities, and, yes, fans are called to support the team to the best of their abilities.
It's natural, but disappointing, to have seen the phrase wielded as a weapon against the team and coaches by fans whenever something doesn't go our way.
I certainly can understand Dabo's frustration in that (though admittedly he's a big boy who is paid a bunch of money to deal with that frustration).
Game Changer [1701]
TigerPulse: 99%
Seems like he should have picked a better phrase
Feb 1, 2023, 5:45 PM
If you have to go through that many mental gymnastics to arrive at the true meaning which isn’t the saying at all
Campus Hero [13955]
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what comes easy to many, requires mental gymnastics
Feb 1, 2023, 5:52 PM
for others
just sayin'
Top TigerNet [30764]
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Top TigerNet [30898]
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Re: Seems like he should have picked a better phrase
Feb 1, 2023, 6:27 PM
[ in reply to Seems like he should have picked a better phrase ] |
Dabo has explained his reason for this phrase many times, but some people choose to hear what they want rather than listen.
Tiger Titan [49750]
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Yes, he’s explained it.
Feb 1, 2023, 11:16 PM
And then he did far from what I believe is his best when he promoted Streeter, Conn, and Goodwin to coordinator positions, and hired the likes of Grisham, Spiller, and Austin as position coaches.
Dabo got lazy and complacent. I don’t think it was a conscious decision, but it happened. And it took two disappointing seasons in a row for him to start to see it.
Thankfully, he got rid of Streeter, and the Riley hire appears to be an outstanding one. That’s a good start to him living up to best is the standard.
We as fans obviously need to do our part too.
Clemson Conqueror [11450]
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Re: Seems like he should have picked a better phrase
Feb 1, 2023, 8:19 PM
[ in reply to Seems like he should have picked a better phrase ] |
There is no mental mental gymnastics as the phrase is about choices and effort in ### aspects but has nothing to do with outcomes.
Game Changer [1701]
TigerPulse: 99%
So if best is the standard why shouldn’t we expect to win every game?***
Feb 1, 2023, 11:48 PM
Ring of Honor [22649]
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Re: The problem is simple
Feb 1, 2023, 5:45 PM
[ in reply to The problem is simple ] |
What you say is fine but you left out the part about what happens when the Best isn't being demonstrated. Was our OC the best? Was our QB the best? Were our WRs the best? Were they all playing their best? Was hiring a coaching staff from within and not even considering Best of Breed candidates from the outside the best process to follow? Was ignoring the portal the best for improving a roster where it was lacking?
Fans don't expect perfect but if you are going to say Best is the Standard means people are giving their best then they better be giving their best if you don't want criticism.
Top TigerNet [30764]
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All fair questions
Feb 1, 2023, 5:57 PM
And to most of those questions I'd answer "yes." I have no reason to believe that those decisions weren't made thinking they were the best decisions or that players weren't giving their best efforts, or that coaches weren't trying to recruit the best players.
And it is entirely fair to discuss and debate the on the field performance or the coaching decisions, and to be disappointed when things don't go our way. The problem, in my estimation, is when fans allow that natural disappointment turn into a spoiled-child style criticism and begin questioning the effort and desires of the team/coaches.
That's when the criticism take a step too far (again in my opinion).
Ring of Honor [22649]
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Re: All fair questions
Feb 1, 2023, 6:22 PM
I'll just take one. If our OC was the best he would not be gone after year 1...
Top TigerNet [30764]
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It didn't work out
Feb 1, 2023, 6:30 PM
Just like it doesn't work out for some players.
Seems to me that recognizing it and making the change is at the very heart of a coach making decisions with the best interest of the team/program in mind. So making the mistake of the initial hire (if you want to call it that) is just another mistake made and hopefully learned from.
But, the only way that decision gets to be thrown into a bucket of criticism using "Best is the Standard" as a metric is if you believe that Dabo and the staff made the decision without the best interest of the team in mind.
Again, in my opinion.
I think it clear that Dabo doesn't necessarily run the program like every other coach would run their program. He makes decisions and choices based on reasoning that have proven to be successful more often than not (at Clemson). He is, admittedly, now navigating new realities in college football and trying to make the decisions that best continue to nurture and build the program. Some of those will be "mistakes" or missteps, but all you can ask is for him to make them and learn from them.
Ring of Honor [22649]
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Re: It didn't work out
Feb 1, 2023, 6:41 PM
My point is that if we applied the Best is Standard to hiring an OC, Streeter would have never gotten the job. Had we opened up the recruiting process we probably would have found a quality hire that was more of a Riley-like candidate because we are a destination program who top assistants would love to have been considered for that opportunity.
Top TigerNet [30764]
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Feb 1, 2023, 7:25 PM
I still think there is something in the way Dabo built the program, and potentially in who he is, that aims to build and grow the program from within. Seems like that was a misstep in this case (or at least it didn't work out), but I don't think it was done out of a non-chalant "eh, he's good enough, let's not hire the best" sort of attitude. I think Dabo legit thinks that the best path for building long term success at Clemson may not be the exact same path that would work at an Alabama or an Ohio State.
We all know the landscape is changing and Dabo will have to change with it (and I believe he is), but his success certainly should buy him quite a bit of benefit of the doubt as he navigates it.
I guess I just see a sharp line between being disappointed the season didn't go as well as we'd have liked and chanting "Best is the Standard" as pitchforks are sharpened.
Campus Hero [13955]
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most people are too stupid to understand what he meant.
Feb 1, 2023, 5:50 PM
[ in reply to The problem is simple ] |
They just yell "We lost! So best is not standard!"
Asst Coach [880]
TigerPulse: 96%
I think we all know it means effort which
Feb 1, 2023, 5:58 PM
[ in reply to The problem is simple ] |
At times this year was evident the coaching staff did not give. He’s corrected that in my book
Top TigerNet [30764]
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That's where we disagree
Feb 1, 2023, 6:00 PM
I see no reason to think the effort wasn't there. You may disagree, and so be it, but I'm curious as to your reasoning.
Solid Orange [1321]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: That's where we disagree
Feb 1, 2023, 7:00 PM
Two words...Notre Dame.
We were not prepared at all for that game. And we had an off week to prepare while ND played that week before.
Coaches, in particular, failed horribly in that game.
Top TigerNet [30764]
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No doubt, that was an ugly game
Feb 1, 2023, 7:19 PM
No one is arguing (or at least I've not heard anyone argue) that there wasn't blame to go around that night. Some of it certainly falls on the coaches.
I still fail to see how that equates to a lack of effort.
TigerNet Immortal [173393]
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Unfortunately a few of his slogans have had more
Feb 1, 2023, 10:13 PM
[ in reply to The problem is simple ] |
Sizzle than steak. I think he wakes up with them in his head from a dream, or reads them in a book and uses them, without a ton of deep thought about any real absolutes implied by the slogan. He’s a marketer at heart, I get it.
Take the windshield mentality slogan. When we were winning nattys, I’m sure it felt great to say we needed a windshield mentality, and to focus on what’s ahead of us and not what we’ve accomplished. Well, for the past two seasons, when we have a rough game or a tough loss, what’s Dabo’s go-to? Yep, a rearward looking litany of stats under his tenure that’s recited so easily and accurately it would make Tim Bourret jealous. There’s nothing windshield about it at all, and his team hears him saying basically “it’s ok, look how good we have been before”. Clearly he’s completely uninvested in that old slogan.
Same with “best is the standard”. I appreciate your attempt to decipher it, but ultimately I think you’re overthinking it. They’re marketing blurbs—-slogans for t-shirts——and I don’t think he’s married to many of them.
Top TigerNet [30764]
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Fair enough, we just interpret them differently
Feb 1, 2023, 11:00 PM
That's cool.
I think the windshield analogy only works internally. It works internal to the team and then internal to the player. Worry about the next opponent, the next series, the next play, and ignore the effects of any previous successes or failures.
But, I know, you're gonna say I'm putting too much thought into it... and you're probably right. They're slogans, not intended for deep though, just momentary inspiration. I do think that while Dabo knows more about football than any of us, his strength is in relationships and motivation rather than being a strictly master X's an O's guy. So yeah, the slogans and speeches and the sort are all part of his schtick which, well, I think is just him.
It's part of why he's been as successful as he has been, and also part of why some folks don't cut him the slack that others with his track record would get. He ain't perfect, but I think he is an excellent fit for our program (not that I think you are arguing otherwise). Our program has overachieved in many ways (based on school size, past tradition, etc), and I think his way of going about things is a large part of that. His schtick works well when it works.
And, let me be clear I don't mean to demean him when I refer to his schtick. I don't think it's false or misleading. I think it's him. I think he's as genuine as they come. I just also think his bumper-sticker outward philosophy lends itself to criticism to folks unwilling to take a bigger-picture outlook.
Ring of Honor [22020]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 5:32 PM
I’m glad he did, all he ever hears are people who’ve never accomplished much telling him how terrible he is. At some point every person is going to push back, and glad Dabo is back in his push back stage.
Tiger Titan [49750]
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It’s pretty bold of you to say that anyone who criticizes Dabo hasn’t accomplished much.
Feb 1, 2023, 5:37 PM
Generalize much?
Top TigerNet [30898]
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Re: It’s pretty bold of you to say that anyone who criticizes Dabo hasn’t accomplished much.
Feb 1, 2023, 6:33 PM
S-T-R-E-T-C-H much??
Solid Orange [1328]
TigerPulse: 74%
Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 5:42 PM
[ in reply to Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and ] |
I don't remember anyone saying how terrible Dabo was...that would be a lie and while there might be lots of liars on TNET just don't think anyone is stupid enough to say that Dabo was terrible...Playoffs, graduates, best grades in the conference, better kids that make most of us proud they came to Clemson...even DJU was a young gentleman even if I said he was terrible as a quarterback...that's not Dabo's fault even though it was his responsibility to sign him...If Dabo was irked hope he got it out of his system...I still say CCC is ###* lucky to have Dabo and any other school would be equally lucky to have a coach like him...they don't have one though!
Standout [206]
TigerPulse: 58%
Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 5:32 PM
Saban did the same thing a couple of years ago. He also blasted the student section for leaving earlier. It happens
Oculus Spirit [43302]
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Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 5:49 PM
I’m good with it. He does an excellent job and his results have shown it. Not going to win it or go to the playoffs every season just will never happen. Enjoy him while we have him because I do not believe he will stay too long with the current state of what used to be called college football. He won’t be the only one but some of these coaches cannot fathom paying big money for an unproven kid out of high school and I don’t blame them. And I do not care to hear about how the schools are not involved (BS). Dabo would not have mentioned it if they had no role. Recruiting is already hard and it just got a lot harder for programs like Clemson when comparing alumni numbers and how much they could possibly raise.
If salary is folks gripe e-mail Neff and tell him how your expectations are not being met. No need to be disgruntled get if off your chest. Dabo could go get that money somewhere else and maybe we can hire UNC Charlotte’s coach and get back to 6 wins for a million a year.
Brandon was or should have been qualified for the job. He has been in the system since 2014. It did not work out, if it had Dabo would have been hailed as a genius. You can obviously see he is hiring to groom these guys for future jobs and also obvious that Brandon was next in line.
Message was edited by: rhpltmeg®
Ultimate Clemson Legend [101193]
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I think our players and coaches did the best they could do.
Feb 1, 2023, 5:54 PM
My issue was missing on DJ and Clemson having a hole in our offense because of that. I know that part of the reason we didn't have another QB like DW or TL was TL came in at the perfect time to start for 3 years. No QB of that caliper was going to sign up and sit on the bench for a year or two before he got the start.
That's over, it's behind us and I'm delighted with everything about this program now.
All-In [10143]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 5:55 PM
Were you there to greet them or are you just preaching?
Athletic Dir [1189]
TigerPulse: 98%
Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 6:09 PM
basically said we are spoiled. Main point he stressed is after we won our first ACC Championship there were 5,000 people greeting the buses back at Clemson. This year there was no one. We have double digit season victories for 11 consecutive years. We have won two National Championships., etc., etc., etc. I agree with him 100% but have to give him minor credit for the recent dissatisfaction with the fans in that Dabo constantly has preached that Best is Standard and we have not done our best on occasion.
Bottom line is success spoils. I’m old enough to remember when Bear Bryant came on t.v. and lambasted the Alabama fanbase because they were up in arms because Alabama only won seven of the 10 games they played that year.. I think I might be right when I say he said that we went to the final four six consecutive years and Even Alabama never did that.
Not maintaining the super high expectations is one thing, deliberately ignoring the stagnating program and blaming everyone else is disingenuous.
I’m glad we hired Riley, but Dabo needs to do better than he has at communicating and owning it. He’s no better than KJP making excuses for the basement dummy.
I’d love to see the in-season social media blackout again. Channel the voices
Game Changer [1701]
TigerPulse: 99%
Tommy Bowden has a beach house outside of Destin
Feb 1, 2023, 6:30 PM
Dabo has one in Boca Grande. That’s the difference.
Solid Orange [1321]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 6:53 PM
I would argue that Dabo is spoiled, too. So there is that...
CU Medallion [20035]
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Dabo's salary is the reward he receives for establishing
Feb 1, 2023, 6:55 PM
high expectations. It's a win-win.
CU Medallion [18070]
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the way he constantly cries about clemson fans
Feb 1, 2023, 7:28 PM
there is no way he would survive at alabama
TigerNet Immortal [173393]
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The 5,000 fans were the ones who stuck through Hatfield, and
Feb 1, 2023, 7:28 PM
West, and still supported the team and came to all the Bowden era games. They're the ones who came when they were little with their parents to see Pell and Ford games, and it was a foregone conclusion that they would go to Clemson and so would their kids.
They came to greet the team out of love for the school and the program and genuine excitement for our success.
These same people watched over Dabo's tenure as the AD continually raised the price to be a "Clemson fan" to unsustainable levels. Forced the reseating of people who had been in the same spot for decades. Forced them to move their nice parking spot that they had tailgated at and knew their neighbors to the middle of nowhere. All while catering to corporate ticket holders trying to entertain clients on the backs of our newfound success.
Oh, and all the while the school itself was upping tuition tenfold, building country club dorms with pools, and patting solid SC B-students on the back and telling them someone from CT has their spot, but they can come pay a fortune to go to Tri-County tech in the bridge program if it makes them feel warm and tiger-y.
So yeah, Dabo, those fans you saw after the first ACC win? They're watching from home these days because they have to, hoping to make it to one or two games a year if they're lucky, while you're making 8 figures a year. That's how "spoiled" they are. The law office in downtown Greenville giving 5 or 6 figures a year for a couple sweet lot 2 spots and prime WEZ seats to entertain their clients?---they aren't gonna come greet you after an ACC championship. Deal with it.
Solid Orange [1324]
TigerPulse: 100%
HOF post. Thanks******
Feb 1, 2023, 7:44 PM
Associate AD [1095]
TigerPulse: 100%
All of that and now
Feb 1, 2023, 8:00 PM
[ in reply to The 5,000 fans were the ones who stuck through Hatfield, and ] |
They want us to reach in our pockets again and give money to 18 year old kids for the hopes they’ll show up and play football at our school. I don’t think the fans are as spoiled as they are disgusted.
Top TigerNet [30764]
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Game Changer [1755]
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Re: The 5,000 fans were the ones who stuck through Hatfield, and
Feb 1, 2023, 9:41 PM
[ in reply to The 5,000 fans were the ones who stuck through Hatfield, and ] |
Yeah, none of that has happened anywhere but Clemson. I don’t like it, but I don’t try to live in the past. I guess if we sucked and the big money impacts had passed us by you’d be happy. What is IPTAY supposed to do - grandfather people in at lower rates because they were there in the old days? It’s a big money business now - the old days are gone, along with much of what was great about college football.
TigerNet Immortal [173393]
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You should tell that to Dabo.
Feb 1, 2023, 9:56 PM
He’s the one who apparently wonders why the fans still don’t line the freeway overpasses like they used to and why little old local ladies don’t leave poundcakes on his desk anymore.
Game Changer [1701]
TigerPulse: 99%
Paw Warrior [4755]
TigerPulse: 82%
Re: Dabo today. I think he got a lot off his chest and
Feb 1, 2023, 9:49 PM
When I was growing up, my daddy was a traveling salesman. Whenever he was came home, he would ask about my sports or my schooling or whatever. And he would always ask me - "Did you do your best?" Regardless of my answer, he never pressed me further. He wanted me to ask myself that question honestly and often. And he knew the only person that mattered in that situation was the man in the mirror (who my father always assured me could not be bullyshitted).
If Dabo can look himself in the mirror and honestly tell himself that the football program was doing its best for the last two years, well then that's the only answer that matters.
But I have my doubts.
National Champion [7897]
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You complainers, mark my words
Feb 1, 2023, 10:23 PM
The day yall aggravate him to the point that Dabo leaves is the day you can bet we start heading back down into the hole of mediocrity again. We’ll get to live out the Hatfield, West,Bowden stage again. Enjoy a good program while you get a chance to and quichyibitchin
TigerNet Immortal [173393]
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That day will come and we will still be Clemson.
Feb 1, 2023, 10:51 PM
We aren’t defined nor is our worth measured by one man. Sorry.
Top TigerNet [30764]
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Around 11:45 on 01/09/2017
Feb 1, 2023, 11:05 PM
[ in reply to You complainers, mark my words ] |
I fell to the ground in celebration and then ran around the neighborhood in Indiana celebrating like an idiot.
I also told myself that I'd never complain about football again. I'd experienced something that I may never get to experience again, and I'd endeavor to savor it.
Two years later I got to experience it again.
I refuse to complain about years where things don't go our way. I'm spoiled and I know it. We are living in the glory years. Enjoy the ride.
Campus Hero [13541]
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What other team in the ACC had a pulse?***
Feb 2, 2023, 12:00 AM
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