National Champion [8071]
TigerPulse: 100%
Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 7:18 PM
Pardon - if this has been discussed or if there is a thread out there. Link it - I would love to read the replies, if so.
But, do any of you out there "see the potential for a large portion of the population to be turned off by college football"? To elaborate: MLB lost many fans because of the lockout of 94-95. Many who have not really tuned back in since. They had started to get many fans back around 2013 to 2020; but then Covid-19 happened. The point being - money got in the way. People just saw greedy players and owners and wanted no part in the circus.
Many people don't like pro-sports in general "because the tendency is to claim, they are only playing for the money. They don't care because they are getting paid. It's not important to them. And on and on"! I for one can easily see this happening in college sports with some of the "NIL Incentives" some schools have cultivated in an effort to gain an advantage.
The folks who want a more passionate player who is working their tail off "trying to make it to the next level" could start being severely disappointed. Some 19 y.o. the kid is on-campus driving around in a Corvette and has plenty of money(to them.... in their eyes) in their pocket will practice hard and give their all for "HOW LONG"? Are their clauses in the NIL deals that speak to "making it to practice and having so many big plays in a game"? If not, problem. If so, problem.
If you are still reading; just wondering what you think? "Is the potential for this blowing up and out of control to the point CFB is exactly what people don't like about pro-sports" possible?
All-In [10552]
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Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 7:27 PM
MLB lost fans because it is boring. Fans will never be turned off by college football because it gives so many kids and so many fan bases a platform every week.
Game Changer [1804]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 7:38 PM
CFB's golden age is behind us. It will go the way of March Madness and pro basketball - nobody cares. May as well watch the greedy NFL pros - at least there is a level playing field for buying players.
Commissioner [1267]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jul 1, 2022, 12:38 PM
you might not care about march madness or the NBA but I assure you that a lot do.
Clemson Icon [27679]
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Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 8:19 PM
[ in reply to Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day? ] |
MLB is boring only to those who don’t understand the game. If you watch baseball to see a guy pitch it and another try to hit it you might as well be watching I Love Lucy reruns,
College sports will become much less interesting when the guys playing the game are paid and the rich keep winning. If you think that isn’t going to happen you would be wrong.
Hall of Famer [8607]
TigerPulse: 97%
Would be absurd to argue otherwise
Jun 30, 2022, 7:29 PM
Its headed down a road to a destination that i, for one, wont be interested in. Giant conferences, paid players, free agency. Just no thanks to any of it.
Game Changer [1737]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Would be absurd to argue otherwise
Jun 30, 2022, 7:37 PM
im 70 years old--so all you youngsters wont understand this..but the older i get --the less i care--because i realize that grandkids church and many other things are a higher priority for me....i love clemson sports(esp fb and cruitin)---but---if it becomes what it looks like its headed for---for sure a certain percentage will lose interest..what % that is,,,,, time will tell..i HOPE i am wrong and all this gets sorted out
Ultimate Tiger [33866]
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No, because it’s turning into the Union and Confederate conferences
Jun 30, 2022, 7:30 PM
This could go on forever
Clemson Icon [27679]
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It all depends
Jun 30, 2022, 7:36 PM
On the leadership in college sports. I think that a mega conference is down the road and I’m not sure how that is going to work out.
Money just has a way of ruining the best of things. The strong will survive. The wealthy will win! Sad
CU Medallion [20035]
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The soon-to-be NFL Superstar on a College Campus
Jun 30, 2022, 7:33 PM
Not attending classes. Driving a Ferrari or Lamborghini. Having tutors perform all their assignments & on-line tests. Paying professors for grades and favors. Dating and sexting the daughters of the college president, AD and deans. It's not just Van Wilder anymore. It's pretty easily achievable for a kid with $10 million in the bank. So how does the average alum and working class fan deal with that?
Orange Blooded [2375]
TigerPulse: 95%
Re: The soon-to-be NFL Superstar on a College Campus
Jun 30, 2022, 7:38 PM
There will always be an interest in CFB. Yoy only have to look past the current situation. As a Clemson grad/fan it won't matter to me what level Clemson sports plays at I will always be a fan. This current state if the "top" of college sports won't change that and it won't for plenty of other fans of other schools.
All-In [10783]
TigerPulse: 100%
Commissioner [1267]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: The soon-to-be NFL Superstar on a College Campus
Jan 13, 2014, 8:49 AM
[ in reply to The soon-to-be NFL Superstar on a College Campus ] |
What is different than now? I guess the amount of money that is made public but all the rest already happens.
Head Coach [974]
TigerPulse: 97%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 7:35 PM
Already turned off. It happened a lot faster than I thought.
Walk-On [111]
TigerPulse: 100%
I cancelled my season tickets last year that I had 25
Jul 1, 2022, 12:16 PM
years. 3rd generation Clemson grad, but I've moved on. I don't sense there are many like me, though.
All-TigerNet [6000]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB
Jun 30, 2022, 7:37 PM
Of course.
I know a few used to be die-hard fans who have turned into casual football fans just because of their disdain for left-wing ESPN diatribes.
CFB is raking in the cash based on TV revenue projections, and those projections are based of past viewership patterns. You turn enough people off and 10-20 years down the road when the contracts come up for renegotiation you're poorer. It's about to happen, they're killing the goose. CFB will be less watchable, and less popular in 20 years than it is now. Think NASCAR.
Clemson Icon [24459]
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No chance.
Jun 30, 2022, 7:37 PM
Baseball is slow and boring to many people.
Football is the greatest team sport on the planet and so many people go to college creating a never ending supply of fans.
Varsity [141]
TigerPulse: 83%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 7:37 PM
As long as Clemson exists, I will always be interested.
National Champion [7363]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 7:41 PM
Yes! I was totally into MLB and NFL for years. Then they started with the politics. I turned them off. If the politics gets back like it was during covid, or if it gets to the levels it has in the pros, I will not watch college football. One thing you left off your MLB comment was this past year and the politics with the Georgia common sense voting laws...I stopped watching the Braves last year. Only tuned in during the playoffs.
Oculus Spirit [43315]
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Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 8:03 PM
Yes most definitely… Money is slowly going to kill it.
Orange Immortal [64060]
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Already happening for me.***
Jun 30, 2022, 8:03 PM
Team Captain [463]
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Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 8:31 PM
Yes, it can happen. Many folks will be priced out of attending games in person and that will create a generation who is disconnected from the sport.
Something else could come along and get the attention of many fans as well.
There could be a day when Death Valley only has 50k fans on a regular basis. I say this as someone who has been going to games for close to 50 years.
MVP [511]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 8:35 PM
Yes, I believe it’s inevitable. I’m already feeling it to a degree. Wondering if I’ll change my mind once the season starts.
Orange Phenom [14106]
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Excellent post. I absolutely think it does! Especially for
Jun 30, 2022, 9:22 PM
people who started watching and loving college football well before the 21st century.
Orange Phenom [14106]
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Bottom line: it's heading towards alienating a lot of
Jun 30, 2022, 9:26 PM
long-time, passionate fans. I think it probably already has.
Orange Elite [5470]
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What do you mean One Day?
Jun 30, 2022, 9:49 PM
It's already happening
Paw Master [16411]
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I don’t see how it wouldn’t.
Jun 30, 2022, 11:17 PM
Just look at today’s news. It absolutely screams “all we care about is money”. What other purpose does it serve? Fans? Please…fans of UCLA do not look forward to an entire slate of Midwest and northeast opponents. Student Athletes? It furthers the mockery of the term…especially for teams that play through the week. They’ll have to attend classes on a plane.
But yes, the game is comically different then it was just a few years ago.
Traditional rivalries are destroyed. Even if you remain in the same conference, you play the same team once a decade. Who cares about UNC or UVA anymore?
Kids making millions to attend a school, transferring every year, sitting out games for fear of hurting their draft status. It’s a shell of its former self.
Pigs get fed and hogs get slaughtered.
110%er [3954]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jul 1, 2022, 4:31 AM
its happening now.
Game Changer [1895]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jul 1, 2022, 6:45 AM
Yep. I lost a lot of interest last season. I will always watch Clemson games, but definitely not the hardcore fan I used to be watching practically any game and knowing who the players are.
Orange Immortal [63660]
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Do you mean "College" football?
Jul 1, 2022, 6:53 AM
Colleges and students are now just a front for full-blown corporate greed on display.
Walk-On [108]
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Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jul 1, 2022, 7:09 AM
For me the shift is on from passionate fan to more of a follower. Unfortunately they have made this complicated - transfers, NIL, coaches salaries, conference alignments, etc ... and the more complicated things get the less interested I become. One thing we have begun to discuss - how much does our $500 IPTAY fee really matter to a program that is paying it's players (directly or indirectly) millions of dollars? Not a statement - just a point of consideration. Yes, it can and has begun to turn people off ...
National Champion [7375]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jul 1, 2022, 12:27 PM
I think a problem many sports will have is that their fan base is aging out of really caring as they get older and see professional sports for what they really are. This has probably always happened in the past as well but it was offset by the next wave of young people who were passionate about their favorite sport or team. I don't really think that's the case any more. Young people today care more about video games, Instagram and tic toc than they do much of anything else. Not saying there's anything wrong with that but the days of young boys eagerly sitting by the radio or TV to watch their favorite team simply don't exist any more, at least not in the numbers they used to. And with costs consistently increasing the only people that can afford to attend games are middle aged, fairly well off types so its not even accessible financially to many fans. College sports have somewhat of an advantage there with football games especially being a huge social event. Add in the current cult like political toxicity you are forced to deal with to watch literally any sporting event on TV and its hard to see the current fiscal model being successful long term.
Game Changer [1999]
TigerPulse: 100%
Re: Could CFB "turn people off" One Day?
Jul 1, 2022, 1:27 PM
Hate to admit this but it already is doing that to me… I’m not saying I’m not super excited for this season but not near as much during the off season as I normally am. I think it will ultimately ruin the passion that was college football … not saying that the valley still won’t be rockin and I won’t be there just as loud but just has a different feeling the path it’s heading anyways . And to the poster that said baseball is boring , I guess you are entitled to that opinion but there is no sport like baseball and I’m fairly young so that notion that the younger crowd loses interest is very untrue… maybe for some but it’s a great game and to me there is no atmosphere in sports that compares to mlb playoffs