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Ultimate Clemson Legend [99886]
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Our Educational system is #1 in spending but #41
Feb 5, 2025, 9:12 AM
Out of 44!
Hope we can reorganize the Education Dept but labor & teachers unions are the overall problem.
Clemson Conqueror [12060]
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Re: Our Educational system is #1 in spending but #41
Feb 5, 2025, 9:15 AM
push everything back to the states
Top TigerNet [30056]
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Feb 5, 2025, 9:19 AM
push everything back to the statesparents
TigerNet Icon [149903]
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And kids with shiitty parents?
Feb 5, 2025, 9:29 AM
Eff em, right?
Valley Protector [1447]
TigerPulse: 93%
Re: And kids with shiitty parents?
Feb 5, 2025, 10:12 AM
Eff em, right?
I guess other countries do not have ###### parents?
TigerNet Icon [149903]
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What are you talking about?
Feb 5, 2025, 10:20 AM
What does this have to do with other countries?
Top TigerNet [30056]
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by all means
Feb 5, 2025, 1:12 PM
[ in reply to And kids with shiitty parents? ] |
like I said to someone yesterday, establish a fund via private market channels to financially enable "shiddy" parents' kids to get an education. I'll be one of your first investors...on one condition: stop financing a flailing putrid system that's failing our future workforce/citizens.
I can garundamntee you will have a substantially more efficient deployment of capital via these vehicles versus what's in place today. I can moreso garundamntee you that reducing the administrative burden of crafting education protocol opens pathways to higher testing scores, which ultimately yields a better overall return for society.
not a government responsibility, b/c it's not governing.
TigerNet Icon [149903]
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Fully privatized education would effectively lead to similar results as fully
Feb 5, 2025, 1:20 PM
privatized healthcare, where ultimately the end goal suffers due to pure profit motive. How many of the countries posting better testing scores and scholastic capabilities are operating under fully privatized educational systems? Or is it that their public schools are just more effective and efficient?
Top TigerNet [30056]
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To be crystal clear
Feb 5, 2025, 1:37 PM
I'm not making the argument it will be better for society. It's simply what I want.
I know it won't happen b/c, to your point, I think it's a net negative to society as obviously we need taxpayer funded daycare.
So back to the discussion....
I don't know the answer. But I know it's somewhere between what I want (empowering parents in Ancapistan) and where it is now (bureaucratic government ###########).
A good starting point would be giving parents the option to "opt out" of public education and use those tax dollars elsewhere, for education.
Another good start would be uncapping the dependent care FSA programs to $5k a household. That's 15% of my childcare costs annually. Extend these programs as tax deductions (up to the limit you put in, plus some) to re-appropriate said funds, tax free, to a better educational program/school/institution for children.
At the 30k ft view, there needs to be incentive for the schools to attract students / families versus being talked to like I'm going to the DMV when I call my local school board (which downright just chapped my motherfuckingass).
What we have right now is a catastrophic failure. Putting more money on the problem is like trying to put out a fire with kerosene, in my view.
Also - for another day, we don't have "fully privatized healthcare" though either, or else Medicaid / Medicare wouldn't' be a thing.
TigerNet Icon [149903]
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Ah. Your first sentence was the context I was lacking.
Feb 5, 2025, 2:21 PM
The whole model needs to be examined, I think we can all agree--the money/results ratio doesn't jive with educational models in other countries (though there are lots of variables keeping that from being a 1:1 comparison). I just think that nuking everything at the federal level isn't the answer, and will ultimately magnify the disparity that already exists across states.
And no, we're certainly not a fully privatized healthcare model, but you can see just in the recent newscycle how the profit motive vs. intended outcome manifests--see: Healthcare, United.
Clemson Icon [27541]
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That would depend on how ###### the town, district, county, or state is...
Feb 5, 2025, 3:08 PM
[ in reply to And kids with shiitty parents? ] |
At least you won't have to drive to DC to complain.
Orange Phenom [14119]
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Re: Our Educational system is #1 in spending but #41
Feb 5, 2025, 9:30 AM
probably, but also have to account that the US incorporates a lot of students into its system that others may not, also not as much of "tracks" that student are placed in according to performance
but yeah we ain't learning the kids very well
Ring of Honor [21242]
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This is a valid and relevant point. Sadly most posters
Feb 5, 2025, 11:24 AM
Don’t recognize and likely don’t care about educational and support services (including food and medical) for disadvantaged children in rural communities or inner cities. Not to mention, IEP programs for kids who may not thrive with traditional educational instructions.
Directly to your point, funding metrics and educational results can be skewed based upon the student population included in the data.
South Carolina receives over 16% of educational funds from “federal funds”. Let’s ask how the Pub Governor and State legislature plan to make up this gap if federal funding goes away. (Now there’s some argument for local and State control of education. However the downside is that American education services for our kids will be dependent upon the wealth of the local communities and the State.)
My wife majored in and has a Masters in math education from Clemson. Back in the day the saying in education was “Thank God there is Mississippi” because old South Carolina ranked 49 out of 50 states. Maybe that was when America was great?
Clemson Icon [27541]
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This ISN'T about funding going away... This IS about eliminating the excessive
Feb 5, 2025, 3:13 PM
bureaucratic bloat in DC and elsewhere... The states already have enough bloat of their own that needs addressing. Too many chiefs.
Valley Legend [12503]
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We continue to lower the bar so that everyone can pass...
Feb 5, 2025, 9:33 AM
Instead of raising the bar and failing those who don't succeed.
My mother retired a few years ago from teaching middle school in a Metro Atlanta county. She was told numerous times to pass kids who couldn't even read as their parents have threatened lawsuits in the past and continue to do so.
I've already had it out with my daughter's 6th grade teacher about math. The 'new' math has about 20 unnecessary steps. She gets the right answer doing it the way it was done for last 200 years. But it's 'wrong' since her steps weren't how she was taught.
The whole system needs to be redone.
Valley Legend [12503]
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Rerun the numbers without special ed costs?
Feb 5, 2025, 9:34 AM
We (America) spend a massive amount on special education where many other countries don't teach that group at all.
TigerNet Champion [119289]
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We can add this to your Generation's legacy of
Feb 5, 2025, 9:35 AM
ruining everything
Clemson Icon [27541]
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No, it is YOUR generation that came up with 'New Math' and "equity"...***
Feb 5, 2025, 3:15 PM
Game Changer [1981]
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Bill, your parents handed you the best country that's ever existed and
Feb 5, 2025, 9:36 AM
you and your kind turned it into this. Hope you're proud of yourself.
Top TigerNet [30056]
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Feb 5, 2025, 1:14 PM
Paw Master [16880]
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Dems have owned Education since the '50's. Record $$, no results. Shocker.***
Feb 5, 2025, 9:57 AM
110%er [3715]
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Love all these experts here saying how Education needs to be restructured.
Feb 5, 2025, 1:25 PM
When I'm willing to bet the vast majority have never spent one minute in front of a classroom.
Clemson Icon [27541]
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You don't have to be at the podium to understand it.***
Feb 5, 2025, 3:16 PM
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