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A small Tribute to honor Tiffany Marie Souers
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A small Tribute to honor Tiffany Marie Souers

Jun 14, 2006, 10:04 AM

Here is a small video tribute that I put together to honor our little Tiger, Tiffany Marie Souers.

I know it’s not much and I really wish I could have had more pictures that I could have included.

You will notice, even with the very little I’ve gathered, what kind of person Tiffany was and what kind of person we had taken from us!

Big Daddy® was right; Tiffany’s legacy will forever live as HERO, champion, giver, and saver to a lot of us!

Forever our Tiger

**********Click to view Tiffany’s Tribute**********

Tribute is approx 20.3 MB and 4 mins 24 secs long
Music: Mariah Carey - Hero

Here are all the Messages of condolences to The Souers Family as of 10:10 AM June 14, 2006

From: Richard French, Sacramento CA
I could not help be touched so much by your tradgedy. I saw that on June 1 you laid Tiffany to rest and it was on that day I celebrated my 50th birthday, not knowing anything about your family or situation. I spend my special day with my family...3 girls and one son and remember thinking how lucky I was...I just want you to know that hearing the story has made me truely know the gifts God has placed in my life....I will share Tiffany's story with them and I know I will hug them tighter and know they are always in God's care and how you said it in the People Magazine....our regrets are for the future not the past. Can you share with us all she did and any information about Tiffany? My daughtes are 14,13,and 11 with a 9 year old son. I know they would want to know more. we will keep all of you in our prayers.

From: Jennifer
I am a Clemson alumni who lives about a mile and a half from the Reserve. I am very sorry for your loss. To see the life of such a promising young lady ended so suddenly and without reason breaks my heart. You are in my daily prayers as well as the prayers of the entire Clemson community. Who have been captivated not only by the tragic end of Tiffany's life, but by the illuminous way she lived her twenty years on this earth. I pray that the capture of this criminal grants you some level of comfort. May God's grace and the love of your daughter which are both eternal give you strength. In sympathy.

From: Danny Koerber
My name is Danny and I serve as a student leader on campus here at Clemson University for the Freshman Orientation of incoming students in the summer. I'd like to offer my sincere condolences for your loss. I was in a class with Tiffany last semester and had met her on a couple other occasions throughout the year. Though I did not know her personally, I always remembered her bright smile and outgoing positive attitude towards everybody. As an Orientation Leader, one of the first things I notice about students is their school pride and love of the "Clemson Family", and Tiffany was always someone who exemplified what it truly meant to be a part of that family here at Clemson. I hope you know that everyone here is deeply saddened by this tragedy and that we have all felt the loss of a member of our family. My prayers and thoughts go out to you all in this difficult time and if there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to let me know.

From: Wayne Sarasua
Words can't express how sorry I am for your loss. I was blessed to have known Tiffany. I was a professor in one of her classes. She was a great student and by all accounts, a great individual. She will be missed.

From: Kathy Barrett
My deepest sympathy to your family on the loss of your beautiful daughter. I work for a composite company that does composite pics on the Clemson campus (greek organizations).

From: Mary & Gary Dalton
Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you in this sad time of your lives. Your daughter was truly a beautiful youn woman. We know that words can't describe the pain you feel. We are parents of a Clemson alumni. Our son graduated in December 2005. It breaks our hearts that your amazing daughter will not be able to live her life in the fullest. We hope that one day you will be at peace and may God Bless you and your family.

From: The Tolley's
Our prayers are with you as you deal with the loss of your beloved daughter. Our daughter is a graduate of Clemson and lived at the Reserve during her time there. Please know we are praying for you and we hope the suspect gets what he deserves in this matter. God be with you.

From: Susan Hearon
Please accept my deepest sympathy and continued prayers for your family. May all of the happy memories of your daughter sustain you through this sad time. God's Peace. Florence, SC

From: Amy
Your daughter was a beautiful young woman and just looking at her pictures makes me feel like I know her and imagine the amazing person she was. I don't know why these things happen but I know one thing...she will surely be your angel forever. My she always rest in peace and may your hearts one day heal...

From: The Comer Family, Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

From: Peiman Mosaddegh, Hope God bless you and to be patient of her departure to Paradise.

From: Lee Tate
As a parent of two students in Clemson, my thoughts and prayers are with you daily.

From: Debbie and Ken Browne
Our family has been deeply saddened by your loss. We have two daughters who recently graduated (05) from Clemson. One of our daughters lives 1/2 mile from Reserve by herself as she is in graduate school. We can not imagine your pain, but please know that there are many many people who care and have felt the blow of this tragic loss. May God Bless Your family. We will never forget Tiffany.

From: Whitney Krozier
I am a senior at Clemson and was shocked when I heard about Tiffany. I did not know her even though I live in the next apartment complex over. Anyway I just wanted to say may god help you through these troubling times. I am sorry for your loss, Tiffany seems like the kind of person who lived life to the fullest.

From: Christian Cook
I am a former student of Clemson University and it just breaks my heart that something so terrible could happen in such a wonderful place. My father lives in Des Peres, MO. I come out there every summer around the first week of July. As I said, I am heartbroken to have heard of your loss. Just from what I read about her in the local newspapers and from the Post Dispatch she sounded like a truly wonderful young lady. I pray for your entire family each and every night. The entire Clemson University family will forever be behind you and will do anything possible to help you in this terrible time.

From: Ashley and David Class of '03
Being graduates of Clemson, this tragic event has touched us both. We are so sorry to hear about your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you in this time of grief.

From: Nancy Hickcox
Dear Mr and Mrs Souers and family,
I know words can not begin to describe the pain you feel. I am a parent of a Clemson student, AJ, also 20 years old. He is home now in Pittsburgh PA but will return to Clemson for Second Summer Session. I followed the story closely and grew to feel like I had a bond to Tiffany since we are all part of the Clemson family. She was a beautiful young woman obviously inside and out. I hope that somehow you can all someday be at peace with your loss and hope that this man never has the opportunity to do this again. I will remember Tiffany as though I new her personally.

From: James
I would just like to say God bless you... and Tiffany! I'm very sorry you lost your little girl. May she be in heaven in God's arms, forever. God Bless.

From: Paula, Class of 99, I just wanted to say how sorry I am for your loss. Your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

From: Barbara & Scott James
Our hearts go out to you as you grieve for the loss of your beautiful daughter Tiffany. We cannot imagine your pain, but we do have a junior, a daughter Lauren, who is at Clemson too, and we know what it is like to send her off to school and only hope for her safety. We are so so sorry for your loss. Please know that you are in our hearts and prayers, and in the hearts and prayers of those around us.

From: MST
Being a mother myself I cannot imagine the great loss you are feeling. My heart goes out to you and your family. I hope that with God, family, and close friends you will put the pieces back together. And no that through this tragic event maybe she is the angel all women need to help this from happening again. God Bless you all in this tragedy. God Bless You!

From: Britney S|
Sorry for your lost may god be with you! Just remember she's in heaven looking down on you. If she could say something it would be that she's happy where she is and she feels no more pain. Even though I'm many states away and don't get the time to be online, this has touched me dearly. God is with you!!!

From: Kylie
God took Tiffany under his wing as a beautiful angel. May god be with you in this hard time. But through the storm ther is sunshine at the end of the road. God will punish him for what he has done. He took away a smaet, beauitful, caring young lady. She is in heaven with God and all the angels. I wish The Souers family all the love and support. God will be with you in this time of need. You are in my thoughts and prayers for the rest of my life!

From: Ansley Calvo
I do not know you, and did not know your daughter. However, as a fairly recent Clemson graduate, I feel very connected to you. May God bless you through this extremely difficult time and somehow bring you peace. Know that my prayers, as well as the prayers of many within and outside of the Clemson family are with you.

From: Jason
I cannot imagine the grief you are experiencing. Nobody should have to go through the loss of a child, and I am truly sorry for your loss. I know arresting the suspect cannot bring your daughter back but I do hope you find some comfort in the fact that he will pay for his atrocities. It is the cases such as your daughter's that makes me wish we had an "eye for an eye" policy. God Bless you and your family, and may you stand strong through these hard times.

From: Erin Cochran
I'm relieved that they found Tiffany's killer. I have read on this story since it developed. I feel for the family of Tiffany Souers and I hope it brings some closure to them. Tiffany's family are in my prayers and I hope they can someday overcome this senseless act of violence. I wish them well. May God be with you in this time of need.

From: H. Miller-Soperton
I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your daughter. You are in my prayers.

From: Argelia
She's not lost.
God gave her a smile
and took her hand
and welcomed her
to a familiar land.
And its much more
warm and fair
than the last time
she lingered there.
And though for her
familiar voice, you yearn,
and every day, you wish
for her return,
she is home at last,
comforted by the love,
of every angel
in heaven above.
She sheds no tears
for the path she trod;
for she has found
everlasting warmth,
beauty, and comfort
in the hand of God.
She's not lost.

From: Deborah Towery
I speak for many (probably hundreds)in the community when I say that you are in my daily prayers. God Bless your family.

From: Zohaib Sikander
I would just like to say i am very sorry for your great loss.I did not know her personally but she was part of the Clemson family.We all will pray for her and her entire family.Peace be with you all.

From: The Goodrich Family
As a fellow Clemson family with a daughter at Clemson, our thoughts are with you. We will keep your family and Tiffany close to our hearts always.

From: Joyce Wagster
Our family sends you many thoughts and prayers during this very sad time in your lives. We live in SC and we were just sick to hear this news about your daughter. We are very sorry...Our justice system must keep sex offenders in prison...this just cannot happen again. May God hold you close during this time, I could not imagine loosing a child especially in such a way as this. So we will lift you up daily. Your daughter Tiffany is a beautiful young lady and she was very fortunate to have obviously been a part of a very loving family. Always remember, somebody's praying you through.

From: The Zoller Family
I was so sorry to read of your daughter's death. From everything I have read, she sounds like an amazing young woman with so much to contribute to the world. We are all so much poorer for her loss. Sincere condolences from our family to yours in your time of grief.

From: Tracy (Clemson Mom)
I wish to offer my deepest condolences on the untimely death of your daughter. Words can not express the sympathy I feel for you and your family. Yall are in my thoughts and prayers. May God wrap his arms around each of you and comfort you.

From: Nancy Allen
My heart aches for you. I can't begin to imagine the pain and grief you are feeling at the loss of Tiffany. My boys are both engineering students at Clemson and have told me that Tiffany was a wonderful, caring individual who was taken from you and the Clemson "family" way too soon. I think of you constantly and pray that you will find a way to continue on. Through our pain may we all find comfort and peace knowing that Tiffany is carrying on as an angel in heaven.

From: A Clemson mom, who wants you to know we all care
From: Teressa Stewart
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to you and your family. I didn't know Tiffany personally but this has really shaken the whole community and I'm so very sorry that this has happened to your beautiful daughter. I have a daughter myself. She's only 14. I can't imagine what you must be going through. My prayers and thoughts are with you each and every day. May God Bless you during this terrible time.

From: Angela Hope
I want you to know that our family has been praying for your family and I can'at imagine what you must be going through. I have a little girl and I can't begin to think how I would handle this type of situation. I am from Greenville, SC and know Mr. Arial's family very well. He is a top notch solicitor and I assure youl he will do everything in his power to make sure this low life disgrace to society will pay for his actions. I hope he will go for the death penalty. This man has proven he has no right to live.

From: Amanda Fraley,Conroe,TX
I am deeply saddened by your loss. I pray for you day and I hope that you and your family can find peace that she is now with the angels. My grandmother will take good care of her. You are in my thoughts and again, I am truly sorry for your suffering.

From: Mike Coleman
Please accept my deepest sympathy. As part of the Clemson family (1980) your painful loss has had an affect on me that I cannot explain. I have followed this closely every day since May 28. I have children of my own and I have had you in my prayers daily. She had an impact on many people in her time here and you should be very proud. The three things that will help heal the pain are you faith, your family, and time. I wish you an abundance of all three.

From: Smoot Family
We are so sorry for your loss. You will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers. God bless you.

From: The Howards
You have been in our thought and prayers since this tragedy unfolded.... my son is a prospective student in the fall of 2006 and it has made him so much more vigilent of his surroundings.. there are no words to express what we feel in our hearts..... please find peace and solace knowing that you have your very own special guardian angel watching over you....through your personal tragedy you have shared a part of tiffany with all of us. Godspeed

From: Kimberly Williams, May God give you the comfort and peace that only he can give!

From: Ron, Homeyra and Jman
We are so shaken and sad about what happened to Tiffany that there are no words deep enough to share our sawrros with you friends. I can not understand your loss but my heart aches for you.There is nothing me or anyone can say to make you feel better just want you to know that we are thinking about you our friends and if ther is any thing we can do let us know. We are so so so sad and surry for your loss.Just pray that you find a way and the stength to deal with your pain and anger. Lots of love, your friends.

From: Jackson Tate Nichols
I am working on my Master's in English here at Clemson and have lived here my entire life. I just wanted your family to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. May the great Father of us all grant you peace during this, your time of trial and need. I did not know Tiffany personally, but we feel a deep loss as a Clemson family for her. I am currently doing some volunteer work on campus in the area of preventing sexual abuse and violence against women. This tragic event has given us all a new-found resolve for the work we do do. May justice be served swiftly that your family may attempt to move on.

From: Connie Hach
I know that the pain for your family right now is terrible and you are in a fog because I lost my daugher Ashley in December of 04. She look a lot like Tiffany and she also went to a private school. Her killer was let out of prison after serving only 9 months of a 4 year sentence. I was on Bill O'Reilly's Television program about 3 months ago. My prayers are with you and I would like to share my story with you only because we must put a stop to these horrible criminals being let out of jail early. It may be too early to communicate, you can watch my segment by going to O'Reilly FActor and look for past shows. Mine would say Ashley Hach and Scott Rollins, (Judge O'Connor) I am so sorry you are now suffering like our family.

From: Kristen Class of 05
Your family is in my prayers. I know all the Clemson family is devastated by what has happened and even though this is an awful time, there is always good in the darkest of times. May God Bless you and keep you during this time.

From: Elizabeth A. Collins, Academy of The Sacred Heart Alumni - Grand Coteau, LA
To the Souers Family - I grieve for your loss of Tiffany...may her spirit remain bright and inspire you to do great things!

From: Meg Shelton, Georgia
As a parent of a rising Clemson junior my heart hurts for you. Tiffany is now known to us all as a remarkable person who loved life and loved sharing her talents with others, especially the less-fortunate. You could not have done a better job raising her and I pray you find comfort in knowing so many have your family in our thoughts and prayers. May God Bless you in your grief and comfort you with the knowledge that Tiffany is surrounded by His Heavenly Love.

From: The Blackmons
Please know that the entire country is mourning with you. There is peace and strength in prayer. God Bless you.

From: Than Banks Family, Lyndsey Banks Jr. at Clemson Mrs. and Mrs. Bruce Banks Adrian, MI
We were so sorry to hear of the death of Tiffany. Our daughter will be a Jr. at Clemson this fall. She is currently at field training for AFROTC and cannot send this message herself. I know she would want me to share that as a fellow student she is so sorry for your loss. We as a family are sorry for the loss of your daughter. Although, we don't understand and non of this makes sense, please know that others care. I don't know if you are a family of faith, but even in the most difficult times know that others are lifting you in prayer. At times like this it is too hard to hold yourself in prayer, so allow our family and others to hold you in prayer.

From: Mohammad Hossain, York Technical College, Rock Hill, SC
Assalamu Alaikum! Peace be upon you! May you'll find peace and solace during this trying time. May Allah grant you the courage, patience and perseverence to bear the budrden of this unconscionable loss. As a father of three young women, I cannot imagine the pain of losing any one of them, I can only pray for you'll to bear the pain of this sesneless killing. Myself and my family will keep you in our prayers and thoughts. Thank you. Salom!

From: The Cabaniss Family
We are so sorry this tragedy happened. We will continue to pray for your family to keep you strong and well during this challenging time.

From: Dekera Class of '06
Although I lived in The Reserve the past two years, oddly enough in the building next to Tiffany's, I never had the opportunity to meet her. From what I have seen in the outpouring of emotions and expressions of love in the time following her death, however, I know that she was a much-loved person. I hope it is some small comfort to know that while you grieve and mourn your loss, Tiffany's Clemson family is with you. Her life, and her tragic death has touched many, and while we may not always understand the truly mysterious ways in which God operates, we must understand that He knows best. May Tiffany's soul rest in peace, and may God's loving arms embrace you all and comfort you in your time of sorrow. My prayers are with you.

From: Brian, Jane, Leah and Dylan Jarrett|Our hearts go out to you at this difficult time. We have a daughter who is a rising sophomore at Clemson so this hit very close to home for us. We cannot begin to know the feelings of loss that you are feeling but we can certainly imagine them. If it is any consolation please know that we hurt with you. Tiffany was a beautiful girl on the outside but from what we have read an even more beautiful person on the inside. We know that she had so much more life to live and so much more love to give to her family and friends and even to people whom she had yet to meet, but we now know that she is with GOD and receiving more Love than we as humans can imagine is possible. Please know that you and your family are in our prayers daily and we will continue to pray for you in the days ahead. God will see you through this difficult time and be with you. We pray that you will never know a single moment when you do not feel His presence in your lives. We feel as if we have lost a member of our family too in this senseless tragedy, however we know that Tiffany is completely at peace and feels no sorrow or pain for eternity. May God Bless You!

From: Michelle
Please know that I whispered a prayer for you all today. Though your pain will not ease for a while, know that mornings will keep coming and eventually you will breathe lightly again and not even realize it. GOD BLESS

From: Jeff Lee, San Diego, CA, I am deeply sorry for your great loss.

From: Misty Hodges
I am deeply sorry about the tragedy of your daughter. She is a beautiful young lady. You are in my thoughts and prayers. If you ever need anyone to talk to just email me. Again I am so sorry.

From: Gisele Williams
I do not know you, however, I am truly sorry about your daughter. May God Bless you and your family.

From: Carolyn Smith, Greenville County School teacher
You are in our thoughts and prayers that God will comfort and sustain you at this time of sorrow. Psalm 55:22

From: L. Lautares
I just want to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. As a graduate of Clemson in 1974 and two girls(December 2003 and upcoming December 2007), Clemson has lost a treasure in your daughter. From the news, Tiffany had special qualities. We can take comfort that she is at peace and with God.

From: Amanda
I just wanted to let you know I have been thinking about Tiffany and your family ever since I heard the tragic news. I can't fathom that something like this would happen in Clemson. I did not know Tiffany, but from everything I heard she was an amazing woman. Stay stong, and may God be with you during this awful time.

From: Dale Hudson
I want to express my sincere sympathy to you and your family in this great time or sorrow and loss. My experiences have always been that even in your darkest days, there is always a ray of light.

From: Kaye Onspaugh
Although I'm no longer at Clemson and did not know Tiffany, it still hits home that such a bright, young girl has been taken. I graduated from Civil Engineering at Clemson 4 years ago, and I know that everyone in the department as well as the rest of the campus must grieve for your family. Please know that the entire Clemson family is sincerely sorry for your loss and holds your family and your daughter in our thoughts and prayers.

From: The Brown's Family, Lord, please be with the Souers' family,my deepest symphanthy goes out to you all

From: Jennie Lominack '03
I would like to express to you how sorry I am for your loss. While I didn't know Tiffany personally, she was a part of the Clemson family. From the moment I heard the horrible news I've had this sick feeling in my stomach; I can not pretend to imagine what you all are going through. I lived in Berkeley Place and in the Summit while attending Clemson and never felt as though something like this would or could ever happen. I love Clemson and it will always be my favorite place, it tears me up that something like this can happen in such a wonderful place. I am grateful this monster was caught and will now face the consequences of his heartless actions. I hope you will find some sort of peace in knowing your daughter is looking down on those who loved her. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.

From: Katherine
I graduated from Clemson a few years ago, and still feel very contected to the Clemson community. Although I never knew your daughter, it grieves me to hear of your loss. It was clear that she was a very wonderful person and touched the hearts of many people. You family will be in my prayers.

From: Jenn, God speed be with you during this time.

From: Friends in Idaho
I have comfort in the knowledge that you will someday see Tiffany again in the mercy of the Lord. May you and Tiffany somehow gain peace from the pain of this terrible evil.

From: Mrs. Helen M. Pond
I just want you & your family to know that all of you have been in my prayers and shall continue to be. I am so grateful that the killer of your most precious daughter has been caught. My Our Lord Jesus continue to hold each of you in His arms and give to you the kind of peace that only He can give. God bless you.

From: Ginger Fant
I am so sorry for your loss. My daughter just finished her graduate degree at Clemson, and my husband and I have been on Parents Council board for six years. I just wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you and your family constantly over that last ten days. We lost our younger daughter at the age of eleven in 1995. You have now experienced the most difficult thing that a parent can go through. You will survive with the help of God and the support of each other.

From: Julie
My family was greatly saddened to hear the tragic news about Tiffany. There are no words to express to make your pain go away. Just know that our family has your family in our thoughts and prayers. I pray that Tiffany's compassionate spirit will go on with those she touched in her short life.

From: Margaret/Clemson grad
My deepest sorrow and regret for your loss. I only hope that each season that passes will bring a continued healing and remeberance of the smiles and laughter that your daughter brought your family and those around you. I wish you all of the peace that God can provide. God bless.

From: Rachel, Fort Worth, Texas
Hi! I don't live in SC and in fact I've only been there once on vacation. However, I wanted to let the family and friends know that someone from Texas has you in their prayers. I am so sorry for your loss of Tiffany. I went through a similiar experience years ago as my best friend was murdered. You will get through this, take your prayers and thoughts to God! He will comfort you!

From: Christine Tamms
I did not know Tiffany but from what I have read, Tiffany was a beautiful girl who gave of herself to others. She had a big heart- a good heart like so many other Clemson Tigers. I will pray for all of you to have strength during this time. Love and cherish her now as you always have.

From: Teri Garrett
I am so sorry that your family has had to go through this ordeal. As the mother of two college students, I have had nightmares that something like this would happen to my daughter. The thoughts and prayers of my family and I will surround you in days to come. I thank God that the authorities have apprehended the man responsible for this horrible act of violence. God bless you and your family and friends.

From: Jennings
I just want you to know that this story has not only reached the Clemson campus but has changed many lives throughout the United States. I am currently a student at Virginia Tech. I just want to offer my thoughts and prayers for you at this time. I know there are no words that are possible to make any of this better, but you need to know that through Tiffany, many people may be given a second chance to life. I am in the process of getting a sorority event started on my campus. We are going to try to set-up a way for all sororities across campus to receive self-defense classes in memory of your daughter. I know this cannot heal what your hearts are feeling, but I do hope it helps to know that Tiffany will continue to change people's lives forever.

From: Victoria & Michael
Please accept my sincere condolences at the loss of your beautiful daughter. I cannot imagine what you must be suffering. God bless your family.

From: Julie
My deepest condolences.
I believe I can speak for both the students that did and those that didn?t know Tiffany when I say that she is a member of our Clemson family and the news has hit us all hard. Everyone has been following this case as if she was our own sister; we are all angered that something like this has happened. We all wish for the quickest punishment for this terrible crime.
We all will continue to pray for your family during these difficult times. Please remember that the Souers family will always remain a part of our Clemson Family. We love you & God Bless!

From: Andrea
I cannot begin to imagine what you are going through at this time, but you are now and will remain in my thoughts and prayers. I am so terribly sorry for your loss and greatly sadden at the loss of such a godsend to this and many other communities.

From: Steve Howell
As a law enforcement officer, father, and Clemson alumnus, I am truly saddened and sorry for your loss. It is truly a disgrace for such a bright young life to be taken by an individual who obviously knows nothing of the value of a young energetic life with so much potential. As the father of three college age children, I can only say that I cannot imagine the depth of your loss or your grief. Please know that our thoughts and prayers have been with you and your family and that we will continue to remember you in our prayers until this man has to pay for the horrible crime.

From: A South Carolina Mom
My thoughts and my prayers continue to be with each of you daily. I pray that God will comfort you in the difficult days ahead and provide for your every need. Although I did not know Tiffany personally her unselfish love for others and how she handled each problem that arose has already made an in impact on my life. Yes, she will be remembered long after the tears have dried. May God bless each of you in the days, months, and years ahead.

From: The King Family, from Aiken, South Carolina
We are deeply sorry for the horrible loss of your precious daughter. As parents of a 20 year old Clemson student, our precious daughter, the first thing you do is try to put youself in that place, but we can not begin to imagine the emotions you are going through. We continue to pray for your family and know that faith in God will see you through. Your sweet daughter is in heaven now at peace. Prayers to all.

From: Zane Green
I am so very sorry for your loss. I prey that you can take comfort in the fact that God has a wonderful friend with him now.

From: nancy lak-mcpherson
dear mr.and mrs.souers', i hope you are all doing as well as can be expected in your time of grief....i wish i could give each of you a hug and a strong shoulder to cry on...it must be a relief (at some level )to know an arrest of that disgusting animal has been made...i grew up close to clemson my whole life and it is my heartfelt belief that the upstanding citizens of south carolina will give swift and the most severe justice for your beautiful and kind child,tiffany.....my daughter will be attending clemson in the fall and her apartment is going to be 2 miles from tiffany's... i have lived in the south all my life (georgia and south carolina)..."we southerners", do not tolerate these kind of heinous crimes. i hope you know how much and how many people are praying for you and will see that the courts and justice occurs for your daughter...i hope you know that your clemson family ( our family is 3 generations of clemson tigers and i know i can speak for us) that we are supporting you, and feeling your heartbreak....i hope you recieve this message and know how much your "clemson family" cares for each of you.....your friend...nancy lak-mcpherson and family

From: Lea Butler
When first hearing about the death of your daughter, I was shocked that such a thing could happen in Clemson. However then I immediately thought of you, the family. Two years ago in August I lost my boyfriend in a fire, he was 20 years old. It is still hard to bare, and as parents, I have only seen what it can do. I just wanted to let you know that people are out here thinking of you and your family daily praying to get through such a hard time. Something that always comforts me is the message that is now on my former boyfriend's gravestone; "A Life Cut Short For A Greater Purpose". I hope this brings come comfort to you, if not now, then later on. We are all praying for you, and so glad that the case is now resolved.

From: Lauren Gibson
Your family is in my prayers. Your daughter from what I have heard was a "good-hearted" beautiful young lady. It's SAD that we have MEN on the streets like this. I hope that JUSTICE is Served. Just remember to put God first and everything will be all right.

From: Ann Swientek
My heart is broken for you and your little girl. I do not have to know you to care. I am a mother of a daughter. I care. May God be with you.

From: Rachel Ward
Praise God they found this awful man! My thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." (Matthew 5:4) My hope is that this promise will comfort your family for the years to come. Also:
1 Peter 5:6-7 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because He cares for you." May God bless and keep you all.

From: K. Brown
I realize how fruitless any words of mine may be in consoling you in this tragedy, but know that I and the entire Clemson community mourn with you in your great loss. I pray that God will show your family his unfailing love and comfort in the weeks to come. You are in my prayers daily.

From: Deborah Thomason
My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this time of grief. I admire your courage and faith. My daughter lived in the same apartments when she attended Clemson and I was truely shaken when I heard the news. I am a professor at Clemson and the campus has truely lost a shining star. May God be with you during your healing.

From: Cooper Family - Katy Texas, We are praying for your family and are so sorry for the loss of your daughter.

From: The Branyon Family, Landrum, SC
I would just like to tell you how sorry I am that this happened to your family. We live in Landrum,SC,about 90 minutes away from Clemson. Our daughter is graduating from high school tomorrow. She was accepted to Clemson, but has decided to attend Furman University in Greenville. It scares us about her going off to college, although she will be close to home. I can only imagine how you feel, to lose your child to something so evil! My family's prayers are with you. We don't always know why the God lets the things happen that He does,but He has a purpose in everything! Don't let Tiffany's death be in vain. Maybe there should be better laws against sex offenders, so that they could not do this to other families. May God bless you and keep you!!!

From: Gretchen Craig, My heart goes out to your family and you will be in my prayers.

From: Rev. and Mrs. Bruce Cooley
We are originally from the upstate of South Carolina, and my husband is a two time graduate of Clemson. Even though we did not know Tiffany personally, as the parents of three young children, we can only imagine the pain that you are feeling right now. We are so sorry that your beautiful precious daughter is now gone because of the horrific acts of this man. We pray that the Lord will give you comfort in these days. Please know that many are praying for you.

From: Alan Brown, Pittsburgh, PA
I have been following the news about this horrible situation and just wanted to express my sorrow for your loss. Although I did not know Tiffany, she must have been such a wonderful girl and all of you are so fortunate to have had her in your lives. It must have been such an honor to have known her! I hope it helps to know that others all over the country feel some of the pain you are now feeling and know that a lot of people have you in their thoughts and prayers. I wish there was more I could say or do, but try to be strong...God has a wonderful new angel and one day you will be with her again. I'm so sorry for your loss.

From: Sophia
Tiffany, you're beautiful through and through... and another one of God's angels taken from us too soon. God bless your family and friends during this difficult time.

From: Steve Keller
I would like to send my condolences to your family. I am a Clemson Graduate in Michigan, and the entire Clemson family shares your loss. You are in my prayers.

From: Kim, NC
I wouild like to take this time for a moment in silence. My deepest regrets and condolences are with the Souer's family and friends and the Clemson University community. This tragedy has truly touched me in hearing what an ambitious and thoughtful young woman Tiffany had become, it says alot of her parents and family. I was relieved to hear that they had this repeated convicted felon in custody, I'm not sure why he was on the streets again to begin with. My daughter will be attending Clemson for bball camp and I was seriously worried about sending her, being a scared parent. I hope that everyone involved with this will allow the Lord to lift their spirits and allow Him to provide the strength of the days to come. Again I deeply send my condolences and prayers to the Family and friends of this beautiful young woman. May God Bless Your Hearts and Souls!

From: The Lance Family
Our family's thoughts and prayers go out to you during this time of tragedy. We were grateful to hear that the monster who took Tiffany's life has been apprehended. As members of the Clemson community, our hearts are reaching out to you during this difficult time. Our faith and trust is in our Heavenly Father and in the wonderful justice system of South Carolina. May God bless you and keep you.

From: Jana M
I can't find the words to express my deepest sympathy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Here are some words that gave me comfort during a difficult time for me - 'Little by little as we grieve for lost loved ones, we begin to remember not just that they died, but that they lived. May you cherish the memory of a very special life.' May God bless you during this difficult time.

From: Britney Spratt
I am very sorry for your loss and I will keep you and your family in my prayers!!!!!

From: George Doyle '78
With a daugther (18), soon to enter college, it is hard to comprehend how you must feel. I hope you know there are many who are feeling some of your loss, and are praying for strength for your family.

From: Tonda Davies
As a fellow parent of a daughter at Clemson, my heart is filled with sadness for your family in the death of Tiffany. We have been trying to understand this tragic event from far away and have been praying for a swift resolution for your family. I am pleased to hear of the recent arrest, but know that is little consolation for you other than her death's circumstances can now be settled and Tiffany can be remembered for the wonderful daughter she was to you. Our prayers are with you and your family by us and our Church community here in New Hampshire.

From: Jennifer Parandian, Clemson Class of 2000, Ellicott City, MD
As a Class of 2000 graduate from Clemson I wanted to convey my deepest sympathy for your loss. As you well know we are all a family at Clemson and you'll remain in our thoughts and prayers in the difficult days to come.

From: Taryn Safrin
My name is Taryn Safrin and I graduated from Clemson in December of 2004 and was part of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority during my time at Clemson. I cannot express to you my condolences on the tragedy that has struck your family. I have followed the events very closely and my heart and prayers are with you constantly. It is very heartwarming to see the bond that your family obviously has with each other and the strength that you exhibit on a daily basis. I believe you are right, Bren, when you say that God must have had a plan for Tiffany and needs her with him now. She is such a bright and lovely girl. Please know that she will continue to live on in my memory and I will never forget her. My love and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time. With love and hope.

From: 2006 Alumna
Members of The Clemson Family are all mourning the loss of one of our own. Although I didn't know Tiffany personally, she was a member of what I consider my extended family and I'm very sorry for her loss. My prayers are with your family.

From: Cindy Gosey
Always remember that "Tears are a language God understands". I write poetry when things touch my heart and this poem is for each of you. Just looking at her beautiful face brings to mind what type of person she probably was.

She had always loved others
Gained hope through reverent prayers
Aided those who had nothing
Cherished her family
Was honest and God fearing
Offered random acts of kindness
Reached out and touched those who were hurting
Spoke words of kindness
Looked at the world as God does
Cherished all living creatures
Enjoyed the golden sunshine
Sat by a cool stream
Observed a bee visiting a flower
Comforted an aging friend
Listened to the wind in the trees
Walked among the wild flowers
Watched the beginning of a new day
Felt blessed seeing another sunset
Enjoyed a hug from a friend
Treated sadness with respect
Never been ashamed to cry
Smothered hate with kindness
Showed gentleness to all children
Greeted those she met with a smile
And tried to live a peaceful life.
Even though I did not know her, this is how I feel she lived her life. May God's angels surround you.

From: Lindsey Griffin
As a former Clemson student, my heart broke when I heard of Tiffany's death. Although I didn't know Tiffany, I wish I had. She seems like a truly wonderful person. My prayers are with your family. May God wrap you in His loving kindness.

From: LynnEllen Lang, Florence, South Carolina
Your family has been in my prayers these last several days. My heart goes out to you. We lived in Webster Groves for twelve years and now live in South Carolina. Our son just finished his freshman year. This touches all of the Clemson family. I am sorry beyond words for the loss of your daughter and how you must feel now.

From: Marie & David Choi
We did not know Tiffany, but are deeply saddened by her death. It is a loss for all of the Clemson family. We pray that God will give you peace and comfort now and in the days to come.

From: The Breen Family
As the family of a freshman engineering student at Clemson, we would like to extend our condolences. You are in our thoughts and prayers. May God give you unfailing strength to bear your sorrow. Tiffany was a blessing to this earth. You must be very proud of her. Clemson was lucky to have her as a student.

From: Mark Malmgren
My heart goes out to the Souer family. I have two daughters and I cannot imagine how painful it must be for them to lose such a wonderful part of their family. I only hope that they have the strength to focus on her life and not let their hearts fill up with hatred.

From: The Ballis Family
We praise God for the speedy arrest of the Demon that took the life of your precious daughter. You will be in our thoughts and prayers until he pays for what he has done!!Just remember, God is good and Tiffany is shining down upon you. Until we meet in heaven, The Ballis Family

From: Amanda, My thoughts and prayers are with the Souers family and other Clemson students.

From: Jan Price
As a Clemson parent, my heart and prayers go out to you. I can only imagine the heartache and sorrow that you feel. All of the Lexington community grieves with you. We will keep you in both our thoughts and our prayer during this very difficult time in your lives.

From: Josh Tiller
I didn't know Tiffany, but feel as though I also lost a member of my extended family. Losing someone from the Clemson Family hits home, especially in such a tragic way. My heart felt condolences go out to the Souers' family. My prayers go out to the friends & family of Tiffany and everyone in the Clemson Family as we move forward with the trial and conviction of the animal that took Tiffany away from all of us.

From: Andy Levy, Ashburn, Virginia
My daughter is also a 20-year-old Clemson student, living in The Reserve. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. With heartfelt sympathy.

From: Ted (Class of 1974)
Our prayers have been with you since first hearing of this tragedy. Please know that the entire Clemson University family is grieving with you. Also know that you can be confident that our solicitor, Bob Arial, will do his duty to see that justice is done for your daughter. God's peace be with you.

From: Mark Russell
I am sorry to learn of the death of your daughter. I hope you understand that you are in our thoughts and prayers. The Clemson community grieves with you as we pray for justice.

From: Kathy
Our prayers have been continuous for your family and will continue to be lifted up for you . Tiffany exemplified the best of our youth. The example she set will continue in her friends and family and is an example for the rest of us.

From: Vikram Jayaram, Ph.D. Student, Electrical Engineering, The University of Texas at El Paso.
I wish her soul rests in peace and may god give you the courage to overcome this extreme adversity. She and your family shall be in my prayers.

From: Joe LoPiccolo, R.N.
My prayers are with Tiffany as she meets Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

From: Susan
i am from spartanburg,sc abou 45 min from clemson. my thoughts and prayers and with your family. may god carry you forward.

From: Thom Robinson
So sorry for your tragic loss. The prayers of all the Clemson family are with you.

From: Rahul
I just wanted to say that I am very sorry for the loss of your daughter. Although I didnt know Tiffany, from all I have heard, I am sure she must have been a wonderful person to be with. You are in my thoughts and prayers, and be assured but justice would soon be served to the person who did this heinous crime. May tiffany's soul rest in peace.

From: Students @ The University of Alabama
Our prayers are with Tiffany, her family and with everyone at Clemson University, we are behind you guys, and according to the news, the suspect has been caught in Tennessee, Thank God! We are praying for all of you and we will continue to follow the situation!

From: F. Johnson
All of us who have daughters share your sorrow and offer our support at this terrible time.

From: Mike
God speed and our prayers be with the Souer family during these times. The SC and TN judicial system will take care of the rest...We can all rest a little easier knowing that we have some closure.

From: The Reilly Family of St. Louis, MO
Our daughter Megan just finished her first year at Clemson and last summer Tiffany reached out to Megan thru FaceBook to welcome another St. Louisan to Clemson. They chatted on-line and Megan visited with Tiffany during rush week. After news of Tiffany?s death, Megan told us Tiffany was, without a doubt, the nicest person she had ever met. We wanted to share with you our sorrow for your loss and the loss to everyone whose life she has touched. Tiffany led a rich life and you should be comforted by the positive effect she had on so many. May God comfort you and give you the strength to deal with your loss. You remain in our thoughts and prayers.

From: A Clemson Student
I was deeply shocked when I heard the news of your daughter Tiffany!! I couldn't believe something so terrible could happen in I thought such a safe environment! I did not know Tiffany, however, I knew several of her friends and I am in fact in a sorority myself and I felt an instant connection with her!! I have heard some amazing things and it's so sad to lose someone so ambitious as your daughter and only wanting great things. She has touched so many lives in Clemson and my family and i are praying for your family!!! Stay Strong!!!

From: Harris Family
Jane Harris, my daughter, is a sorority sister of Tiffany's.. They were in the same pledge class together...We are all so upset about what has happened. Yall are in our prayers. May our Lord hold you in His arms and strengthen you every day.

From: Jeff, My condolences to the family.

From: Jon Brown
Our hearts, thoughts, and prayers pour out to your family. We, the students at Clemson, stand behind you. God Bless Tiffany and the Souers family.

From: The Banks Family
We are deeply remorsed by the loss of your daughter. Clemson is a special place for all of us and I know without a shadow of a doubt that this felon will be apprehended soon and justice will be served. You can rest assured that the Clemson Family will remember her always and her spirit will live on in everything we do!

From: Carole Price
I didn't know Tiffany, but I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to you all at this difficult time. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers; I pray that the horrible sub-human that did this will be quickly apprehended and brought to justice. Tiffany was a beautiful person, and I know that she will be missed greatly.

From: Joseph Jackson, Clemson '02 (Marketing)
My name is Joe Jackson. I used to live and work at the Reserve and can't imagine what you must be going through. Please know that you guys have thousands upon thousands of people in the extended Clemson family that are thinking, praying and grieving for Tiffany and everyone involved in this situation. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

From: The Bishop Family, Easley, South Carolina
The thoughts and prayers of our family go out to you. We are so sorry for your loss. You will continue to be in our prayers and we hope that justice will be served in this case. God bless you during this difficult time.

From: Emily
I send my heartfelt sympathy to you and will continue to pray for you.

From: Barbara
Words seem so inadequate at a time like this, but you and your family are in my prayers. I can't even begin to know what you all are going thru. I have a daughter who will be a junior at Clemson this fall and have just watched this story with horror and such a deep feeling of sorrow for you all. Children are so precious and your Tiffany seemed to be such a wonderful young lady. Please try to take comfort in the knowledge that the Lord is with you and He knows your pain and will take care of you! God bless you all!

From: Teri, Karl, & Mia
We are terribly sorry for your loss. We will help in any way to try and get these people off the streets. I agree with Mr. Souers call for castration of these weirdos. How do we make it happen? We are tired of living in fear. May God bless Tiffany and your family.

From: Sean Muckenfuss Class of 1994
My prayers are with you in this time of grief. The "Clemson Family" has lost a wonderful person. God Bless you.

From: Lindsay Spartanburg, SC
As a resident of south carolina you have my deepest thoughts and sympothy. Tiffany seems like she was an angel sent here from heaven and now she is up in heaven being an angel for god. Even though we have never met just know that i am thinking of you and praying for you through this difficult time.

From: Tim Balconi : Class of 2002
I am deeply sorry for your loss, it has affected everyone I know associated with Clemson. I want you to know that we are all praying for you. Tiffany is in a better, peaceful place. God Bless you and your family.

From: Jennifer, Class of 2000
I was so saddened to hear the news about Tiffany. I have been following this story very closely and am simply heartbroken. As a former Clemson student, I was not fortunate enough to know Tiffany but from everything I have learned, she was an amazing person and will be truly missed by everyone. I wish you comfort and peace during this very difficult time. Please know that you are in the thoughts and prayers of every member in the Clemson family.

From: Heather
As a Clemson Student and resident of the Reserve this situation rings home to me. There are no words that could even begin to explain the grief your family must be experiencing. I am pleased to see a suspects photo release and I will only continue to pray that justice is served. I only hope that this never happens again.

From: Beth
May the Lord watch between me and thee, while we are absent, one from the other.

From: Chip and Andrea Pless
I am so sorry for your loss. I am a former Clemson student and this hits close to home,as I lived next door to the Reserve. My brother is still a student at Clemson and had met Tiffany before. My husband and I have been following the news and are very glad they are closer to finding this man. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you. There are so many things that happen on this earth that we can not understand or explain. Seek God and rely on His strength during this tragic time. Love in Christ.

From: Lindsay Gowan, Spartanburg, SC
I just want to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. The stories that i have heard on the news channel here tell me that she was a wonderful person with a wonderful heart. I know she is smiling from heaven down at you with the angels.

From: Robert E. Smyth
I am a Clemson graduate, Class of 1969 and have a 24 year old daughter and 22 yera old son. I am very sorry this happened.

From: Rahul Singh
The thoughts and prayers of the Indian community are with you.

From: The Sullivan Family, Cherry Hill, NJ
We are parents of both Clemson & USC graduates. We feel such an attachment to your sorrow. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. We are saddened that such a beautiful girl's life was taken so tragically. May you find peace and cherish her memories.

From: 79 Clemson Graduate & current parent
As a Clemson graduate, and a parent with a young daughter at Clemson, let me say that the entire Clemson Family, mourns the loss of your daughter. Words cannot express the depth of our thoughts, prayers, and best wishes for your family. God bless you All.

From: Jamie (Class of 2004)
I have been heartbroken since the moment I heard about Tiffany. I graduated in 2004 and lived at the Reserve my last year. I always felt so safe in our small Clemson community. I did not know Tiffany but she has touched my life. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

From: Lauren Ford
I am also a recent graduate of Clemson University who lived in the Reserve my last two years. I, along with everyone I know, are extremely saddened, angered, confused, and heartbroken about your loss. Your daughter sounds like the type of person we should all strive to be. I hope you know that there are a million people out there praying for your family and friends at this tragic time. I am very truly sorry for your loss. May God bless you always.

From: Shannon
May the Lord comfort you as you deal with this loss. The Clemson Community is keeping you close at heart!

From: Paula McLeod
To raise a child and send them to school to try to prepare them for life, in order to have such a tragic thing happen. I can only imagine what this family is going thru. My heart goes out to them. My deepest sympathies and prayer be with you in your time of need.

From: The Wolk Family
Our daughter is a rising senior at Clemson who lives within eyesight ofTiffany's apartment at The Reserve. This tragedy hit very close to home and I cannot imagine the pain and sorrow you are experiencing. However my wife and I havecome to come to believe in the Clemson family and you are part of this very specialfamily. We want you to to know that the entire Clemson family grieves for youduring this tragic time. We pray that the person responsible for this horriblecrime is brought to justice. Our heartfelt sympathy goes our to you and you family.

From: Ann McAlister
Just A Note To Let You Know That You Are In My Thoughts And Prayers At This Time Of Your Loss. May God Bless You Thru This Time Of Your Loss Of Your Daughter.

From: McCullough Family
Our sincere and deepest sympathies to you. Our daughter lives at theReserve and is in Europe this semester so we just learned of this horrific tragedy. Please know that you are in our thoughts and in our prayers.

From: Lyndsey Easley SC
I just wanted to let you know that your whole family is in my prayers. Stay strong in the Lord and he will guide you each day.

From: Joyce McDaniel
I just want you to know how very sorry I was to hear about your daughter. South Carolina is such a wonderful place and I hope that you know that this man does not reflect the majority of the people who live here. I don’t know how you feel because I have never lost a child but I do have children and I know that I would be devastated if something every happened to them. The only thin I can offer to help you at this time is the love of Jesus Christ. Through your faith and your daughter’s faith you will find comfort. Just know that Christians around the world are praying for you and asking God to extend His love and grace to each of you at this time.

From: The Buckner Family
Your daughter's story has touched so many. May it bring you comfort and healing to know that you remain the prayers of thousands upon thousands. Peace be with you.

From: Jamie (Class of 2004)
I have been heartbroken since the moment I heard about Tiffany. I graduated in 2004 and lived at the Reserve my last year. I always felt so safe in our small Clemson community. I did not know Tiffany but she has touched my life. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

I would like to let you know that this story has touched my family. We send our prayers and hope that you can give peace to tiffany by catching the monster
that hurt her.

From: Adrianne
As the mother of a Clemson Junior (this fall), I know how precious our children are to us. Losing a loved one is hard, my husband died three years ago. Even so, I cannot comprehend the pain your family is experiencing through the loss of your child. Keep your faith and know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

From: Melissa
Even though I'm miles away, your family has been in my thoughts and prayers. May you always find comfort in knowing that the Lord is there. Remember, "when we are weak, he is strong".

From: Marlene Brown, I lost my daughter in January 2005 my prayers and thought go out to you. Hebrews 11:1

From: Tasha, I just want you to know that your family are still in my thoughts and prayers.

From: Theresa Hurst, Easley, SC
I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to you all during this difficult time. My daughter is a senior at Clemson and lived in the same apartments last year. I can't imagine your pain, but I hope it helps a tiny bit to know that you have many people here that care about you. Tiffany was a beautiful girl and from everything I hear, she was just as beautiful on the inside as she was on the outside. I know that she has touched many lives while she was here. I have been praying for you every night, that God will help you through these dark days. He is the only one who can give you the strength you need. God Bless You all.

From: Lynlee
"May the Lord bless you and keep you: may the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you: may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24

From: Vicky
I know at this moment words cannot express my deepest sympathy and thats what I feel your family needs. I know this may not be of any comfort at this time but for whatever reason I felt that I wanted to say how sorry I am. I had a daughter at Clemson in 2000-2004. If its God will I will have another daughter at Clemson next year. I want you to know that Tiffany death is not in vain and her charitable spirit is still present. When College students go off to college they pull away from parents but this death will make them realize how precious the time we have with each other. I am very sorry that it had to take a death of such a beautiful girl for us to realize time is precious and Tiffany giving spirit will be felt for years to come. Thanks for letting me share in your grief that I might be a Prayer Warrior for not only my child but for College Students all over the state and nation.

From: Kelly
My heart and thoughts are with you as each day goes by. It is amazing to see how one wonderful girl can touch so many lives without even knowing her. I am a student at The University of South Carolina and have been following this story ever since I heard the news. From what I have read, Tiffany made a difference in people's lives while on this earth and she will continue to in passing. With her passing, she has allowed each of us to be more cautious of our surroundings and really value our own precious lives. With that said, thank you Tiffany for your impact on everyone's lives. You have not only made a difference in the Clemson Family, but the USC Family as well.

From: Brandon Fowler
I would like to send my deepest condolence to your family and to all of your daughter's friends. I can not to begin to imagine the pain you must be going through during this time. I'm a South Carolina Gamecock fan, but at moments like now you realize things are much more important than sports. I'm a member of a Gamecock message board (CockyTalk.com), and we have followed this story from minute one. I would just like for you all to know that we are also behind you, and can't wait till this case is solved and the person responsible for this horrible event is put behind bars. Many prayers have been sent in your direction.

From: Terry-resident of Pickens County
I did not know your daughter and I am much older than a Clemson studuent, but I want you to know that this community is praying for you daily. I have a son and can't imagine how it would feel to lose a child especially this way. From all I have heard, Tiffany was a good caring loving person. Although she will be missed please rest assured she is in a much better place. We are the ones with the greatest loss. God loves you and your family continue to look up and you will be taken care of.

From: Bob, Sue & Melissa Kudelka, Our daughter graduated from Clemson in 2001.
Please accept our deepest sympathy on the loss of your beautiful daughter, Tiffany. Our daughter graduated from Clemson is 2001 so we still feel very close to the Clemson community. Our prayers are with you at this time.

From: Ashley
I am sorry to hear what has happened to your daughter.My thoughts and prayers are with you during this hard time.

From: Scott, I feel bad for your loss. God Bless

From: Melissa
My heart goes out to your family and Tiffany's friends as you grieve this tremendous loss. God never ceases to amaze me, though, in the ways He can use a tragedy to touch so many people. Although I did not know Tiffany personally, I am inspired by her loving and beautiful spirit, and it is so apparent that she has left a permanent imprint on the hearts of all those in the Clemson family. My prayers are with you.

From: Janet
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. I am a resident of St. Louis and knowing Tiffany was from Ladue, your story especially hurt me. I wish I had something I could say to make your pain easier. I will continue to pray for you.

From: Brittany
im very sorry about tiffany. and even though you have no idea who i am i have full support for you and hope you find the killer soon . who would be so insa

badge-donor-10yr.jpgbadge-ringofhonor-shoelesscu.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

wow...must read***

Jun 14, 2006, 10:10 AM

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

ZAP HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***

Jun 14, 2006, 10:11 AM

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Great job as always Joe! ***********

Jun 14, 2006, 10:15 AM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg2011_nascar_champ.gifringofhonor-celti_tiger-110.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up


Very touching, Shoeless. We'll all miss Tiffany.

Jun 14, 2006, 10:22 AM

She seems to have been a wonderful person and a great representative of our beloved university.

Great job.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Tough to watch...

Jun 14, 2006, 10:30 AM

I didn't know Tiffany, but I can tell she was a great person. It's absolutely terrible when someone that age loses their life. Her family and friends will continue to be in my prayers...

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Man, really puts things in perspective! Thanks, Joe!***

Jun 14, 2006, 11:01 AM

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great work shoeless, you're a genius!***

Jun 14, 2006, 11:16 AM

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Very touching Shoeless. Make sure her family gets this***

Jun 14, 2006, 11:28 AM

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Awesome Joe!!!!***

Jun 14, 2006, 11:31 AM

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Very Very touching. I have a red nose and eyes now.

Jun 14, 2006, 12:52 PM

You need to send this to CNN and MSNBC. They were so big on this. Let them show the nation your tribute, so they can see what she was like.

badge-donor-05yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Great job Shoeless***

Jun 14, 2006, 7:50 PM

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