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New Story: Monte Lee won't talk about ejection, but players appreciate that Lee has their back
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New Story: Monte Lee won't talk about ejection, but players appreciate that Lee has their back

May 27, 2018, 12:01 AM

Monte Lee won't talk about ejection, but players appreciate that Lee has their back

Monte Lee was still visibly upset when he entered the postgame interview area following Clemson’s 5-4 loss to Florida St. in the semifinals of the ACC Tournament Saturday. Lee was gracious with his comments toward the Seminoles, but still on edge after being ejected in the eighth inning by home plate umpire David Savage.
Full Story »

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We have grown into a heck of a team!! I'm done W/the in house poots

May 27, 2018, 12:49 AM

it's an awful angle on the video but straight on it was a perfect strike all day long. The coots paid the ump off for Fsu because they're jealous of our success over them in all men's sports!!

We have the 2nd best winning total in all of college baseball an our house coots complain about every second we are being challenged.

This team has come together to be close and battle for each other. With the way it looked to start the season none of us imagined we'd be so good with almost all new pitchers and such a young team.

I love this team and the way they finish and fight for each other. Something is really special about these guys and the way they play for their teammates and coaches!!!

We are World Series bound!!! Go Tigers!!!!!

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We keep getting better & better everyday, in every way!
“The only disability is a bad Attitude” Dabo Swinney!!
Let’s Go Tigers!

Excellent post HS.***

May 27, 2018, 6:58 AM

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Yay Monty

May 27, 2018, 12:00 PM [ in reply to We have grown into a heck of a team!! I'm done W/the in house poots ]

The only thing better than Monty standing up for his team would have been if his clip board had knocked out Savage and ricocheted into Martin who spent the last two innings on the mound stalling!

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Re: New Story: Monte Lee won't talk about ejection, but players appreciate that Lee has their back

May 27, 2018, 1:24 AM

Lee’s the Dabo Swinney of baseball.

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Brad Brownell: more losses than any other coach in school history.

Monte Lee is an American hero

May 27, 2018, 7:55 AM

I was so fired up with that ump last night, I was about to jump through my TV. Thank God Monte was there to give him the business.

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Re: Monte Lee is an American hero

May 27, 2018, 10:12 AM

I felt the same only bc the ump was giving the FSU pitcher strikes that was clearly way off the plate that wouldn't have been a strike even if the plate would have been a few inches wider on both sides of the plate. I was mumbling to my self that he knew he was making bad calls and wasn't making any attempts at doing a better job. The ump has to know once he has drawn that much attention to himself, that all of college Baseball is going to know just how disqualified he is calling balls and strikes behind the plate, and still the ACC or the NCAA will not do one thing to correct His/Their problem. The Head of conferences and the NCAA lack of control of their own rules and standards is a major problem within college sports.

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Re: Monte Lee is an American hero

May 27, 2018, 10:34 AM

Pretty obvious many of us agree with you, ??

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Re: Monte Lee is an American hero

May 27, 2018, 10:54 AM

I was po'd in the first inning. I could of thrown left of plate and gotten a strike like FSU did. I am proud of coach.

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Re: Monte Lee is an American hero

May 27, 2018, 10:31 AM [ in reply to Monte Lee is an American hero ]

i agree with you, the home plate ump was very bad. I cannot understand all the people/commentators who think it's ok for an umpire to have his own "strike zone", which pitchers and batters have to decipher, and which imho over the season has ranged anywhere from the letters on the shirt to halfway down the calf and from the batter's box line on both sides of the plate to whatever. Would like to see the umps have to go through training that would include the use of electronic balls and strikes that are compared to their calls, to help gain some continuity from one ump to the next. They do a pretty good job in the field usually, but behind the plate is another story. It's tough on pitchers and batters when the strike zone varies from game to game, and particularly when it varies within the course of a single game, as it did last night.

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Re: Monte Lee is an American hero

May 27, 2018, 12:24 PM

I see nothing wrong with the home plate ump going a little to the left or right with their strike zone bc it does widen the plate for those pitchers with a big curve ball that starts way outside and breaks on the back corner of the plate bc it takes pitchers years of practice to get that pitch to work consistently... BUT, have the same strike zone for both pitchers, and don't allow one to throw it any where close to the plate, and the other has to be right over the plate. And don't make one have to be dead waist or knee high, and the other chest and ankle high. Do the same for both pitchers through out the game, and don't change the strike zone every couple of innings. Umps that are consistent are expected to do the same, and they are respected through out baseball!!! That piece of dung yesterday was giving the FSU pitchers all the breaks out of the strike zone, and yet wouldn't give our pitcher actual strikes. And yes I agree with Monte's out burst, and his was mild considering some coaches I've seen going off on umps for less!!!

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Re: Monte Lee is an American hero

May 27, 2018, 3:06 PM

Yep, that's like what a judge does... same rules for each defendant. Couldn't agree more. But I still believe that rules are rules, and pitchers and batters shouldn't have to learn what the ump will call a ball or strike. If the ball is approaching the plate out of the zone and enters the zone at the plate great, but if it is out of the zone at the plate, it should be a ball. We might just have to amicably disagree.

My major issues were inconsistencies between calls for Tiger pitchers vs Nole pitchers and also calling balls obviously 6 or more inches off the plate strikes.

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It' about time we had another coach willing to tell

May 27, 2018, 11:01 PM [ in reply to Monte Lee is an American hero ]

incompetents (or worse) what he thinks of them.

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Re: New Story: Monte Lee won't talk about ejection, but players appreciate that Lee has their back

May 27, 2018, 3:40 PM

We love you Monte.

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Atta boy Monte!

May 27, 2018, 8:02 PM

He’s been spending time with Dabo

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