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Freedom vs Freedumb
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Freedom vs Freedumb

Jul 27, 2020, 8:35 AM

Give it a read.

“I don’t use the term as an insult — the American idiot. I mean it in a precise way, as I try to remind people. For the Greeks, “idiot” carried a precise and special meaning. The person who was only interested in private life, private gain, private advantage. Who had no conception of a public good, common wealth, shared interest. To the Greeks, the pioneers of democracy, the creators of the demos, such a person was the most contemptible of all. Because even the Greeks seemed to understand: you can’t make a functioning democracy out of…idiots.

Now, I’m going to generalize. But I don’t mean that all Americans are idiots. I mean that, for example, more or less everyone who wants to carry a gun to Starbucks, deny their neighbours healthcare, make people beg for medicine online, and not let anyone in society ever retire…all of those people in the world, by and large, are Americans. Nobody else — nobody in the whole world at this point in history — thinks such things are remotely desirable. Hence, the American idiot. It means: the world’s largest and most hardened subset of idiots at this point, in the Classical Greek meaning of the word, is largely American.”


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Neat etymology...never knew that.

Jul 27, 2020, 8:37 AM

Interested in oneself

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I only read the first couple sentences but by my readings

Jul 27, 2020, 8:40 AM

that is not the way the Greeks used the term idiot. It just meant a private citizen.

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Jul 27, 2020, 8:41 AM

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Yes now that I’ve read the C&P (not the link),

Jul 27, 2020, 8:43 AM [ in reply to I only read the first couple sentences but by my readings ]

I’d say he is creating a Greek definition of idiot and using it to insult...I’m just assuming here...conservatives. Not very original, honestly.

Plus, the ancient Greeks had slaves, so why would we care what they said?

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I don't care about and didn't read the article.

Jul 27, 2020, 8:44 AM

I just like etymology.

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There’s a grand irony in your comment.***

Jul 27, 2020, 8:54 AM [ in reply to Yes now that I’ve read the C&P (not the link), ]

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Good. I’d hate to be accused of mediocre ironies.***

Jul 27, 2020, 8:58 AM

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American exceptionalism and all***

Jul 27, 2020, 9:06 AM

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The writer might have a point.

Jul 27, 2020, 9:07 AM [ in reply to Good. I’d hate to be accused of mediocre ironies.*** ]
idiot.PNG(41.2 K)

His thought process was a great example of the modern Greek use of the word 'idiot.'

The greeks made a great contribution to the creation of our constitution. Our Founding Fathers use the greek form of government as an example of exactly what not to do.

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Re: Freedom vs Freedumb

Jul 27, 2020, 9:06 AM

You are pathetically uninformed. Get out of your liberal echo chamber dude because there ain't nothing getting in there factual.

This is ignorant "... everyone who wants to carry a gun to Starbucks, deny their neighbours healthcare, make people beg for medicine online, and not let anyone in society ever retire…all of those people in the world, by and large, are Americans. Nobody else — nobody in the whole world at this point in history — thinks such things are remotely desirable."

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Fits the profile.

Jul 27, 2020, 9:10 AM

Another example of ignoring the obvious:


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Doesn’t read entire article

Jul 27, 2020, 9:14 AM [ in reply to Re: Freedom vs Freedumb ]

Complains of echo chamber

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Good Read

Jul 27, 2020, 9:21 AM

What Matteo does not understand is that we nolonger have a representative democracy in this county, money controls everything, and there has been a calculated and coordinated effort to take away our sense of security, safety nets, social programs, and institutions for the common good. it really does not matter who you vote for, once they have been taken in an corrupted by the system, it is business as usual.

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Re: Good Read

Jul 27, 2020, 9:43 AM

Well it is about time that people wake up to the fact it does not matter a whit which party one votes for and has not for a long time. Both serve the same masters, they are only allowed to pass what does not drop a duece in the masters punch bowl.

BHO ,super majority and you get the ACA? Come on man! Why? Look who can make money off the ACA as opposed to Universal Health care. Not argueing for it but there you go.

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Who denies others from pursuing healthcare?***

Jul 27, 2020, 9:26 AM

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