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New Story: Thin Orange Line
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New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 7:01 AM

Thin Orange Line

Chad Morris didn’t mince words during his Monday morning press conference at the WestZone, saying that a rash of injuries on the offensive line have left that group thin heading into this week’s matchup against Louisville. Full Story »

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 7:46 AM

That's not sounding too good.

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 7:58 AM

Not at all, but it is what it is. We need Gore back soon, and hopefully sooner rather than later with Guillermo too. The transfer of Anthony, and tearing of the ACL to Jones really put our depth in jeopardy. Also, you'd like to think that Region should be able to be a reliable contributor at this point. Hopefully he, Maclain, and Crowder can all step up this weekend to give the starting 5 breaks when needed. And most importantly, hopefully we can come out injury free!

Go Tigers!

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 8:06 AM

I hope the great Louisville defense doesn't take control of the game, that could spell disaster....

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 11:45 AM

"great Louisville defense"??? Really. Taking control of the game? you've got to be kidding.

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 1:03 PM

I was attempting " tongue and cheek" guess I failed, oh well.

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 4:35 PM [ in reply to Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line ]

Dabo said we were country's #1 defense

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poor recruiting at that position for years now

Oct 7, 2014, 8:25 AM

that is why we're thin

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Or, ya know

Oct 7, 2014, 8:27 AM

The fact that we've lost like 4 offensive linemen to career ending injuries/transfers in the past 3 seasons.

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Re: Or, ya know

Oct 7, 2014, 8:35 AM

Now, that sounds more reasonable than poor recruiting. There is no known method of recruiting players who are guaranteed not to get injured.

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That's normal attrition at the college level

Oct 7, 2014, 8:43 AM [ in reply to Or, ya know ]

plus those guys werent that great to begin with either.

A D1A program should be bringing in 3-4 OL per recruiting cycle. Dabs has been bringing in ONE sometimes TWO. It's his own fault we're in this position

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Really.....Ok let's look at that....

Oct 7, 2014, 9:26 AM

Start in 2010 - Redshirts would be Seniors this year.

2010 - 4 OL
2011 - 4 OL
2012 - 4 OL (Plus Reader listed as OL but obviously switched to DL)
2013 - 2 OL
2014 - 2 OL
2015 - 4 OL Commits on board

So yeah, Dabo's only been "bringing in ONE sometimes TWO".


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That is really not enough. As is now the case, injuries

Oct 7, 2014, 10:08 AM

are prevalent on the O line. If they are good, we only get 2 years of play and they go to the NFL. Some don't work out at all. We should recruit enough each year to keep us deep and experienced. As goes the O line, so goes the offense.

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OL is the key, but we keep putting up unreal numbers w/o OL.

Oct 7, 2014, 11:59 AM

This week we see for real. I hope it works out. I agree it all begins with OL, so our results make you scratch your head.

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So if 2 more OLs signed in 2013 we'd be in better shape.***

Oct 7, 2014, 2:36 PM [ in reply to Really.....Ok let's look at that.... ]

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Re: That's normal attrition at the college level

Oct 7, 2014, 10:34 AM [ in reply to That's normal attrition at the college level ]

There is no need to bring in OL that cannot play... Spencer Region appears to be a prime example of that! Anthony did not think he would play.

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Re: That's normal attrition at the college level

Oct 7, 2014, 11:32 AM [ in reply to That's normal attrition at the college level ]

You're exaggerating the problem, but I do agree with you. We didn't bring in enough linemen for a couple years. One or two more bodies would be huge right now. However, the main problem is injury.

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Re: That's normal attrition at the college level

Oct 7, 2014, 1:29 PM [ in reply to That's normal attrition at the college level ]

So are you expecting all these hypothetical extra OL to be 4 and 5-star NFL prospects? If we could have got those guys, then we would have got them. All the extra hypothetical OL that you suggest would be the 2 star, fill-in in case of emergency, hope you find a hidden gem type which we already have enough of. We're not moving TE's to OL because we're out of OL. We just don't have enough that the coaches feel are ready to play at a high level right now, which would still be the case if we had 5 more OL of that type.

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When you lose players to career ending injury or transfer

Oct 7, 2014, 9:59 AM [ in reply to Or, ya know ]

you should probably replace them.

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morris needs interview practice, he sounds defeated already***

Oct 7, 2014, 10:42 AM [ in reply to Or, ya know ]

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Re: morris needs interview practice, he sounds defeated already***

Oct 7, 2014, 10:43 AM

that is what you got from that huh. smfh.

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Re: morris needs interview practice, he sounds defeated already***

Oct 7, 2014, 4:38 PM [ in reply to morris needs interview practice, he sounds defeated already*** ]

he has doctorate in CYA

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Re: poor recruiting at that position for years now

Oct 7, 2014, 8:28 AM [ in reply to poor recruiting at that position for years now ]

You say we bit your pulse says y'all. Besides if you knew about us, you'd know career ending injuries has been OUR main issue here.

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Hopefully this season provides the wake up call the staff has needed

Oct 7, 2014, 8:35 AM

As far as recruiting lineman go. We just haven't been taking enough most years. It's been going on since the Bowden years. OL is the hardest position to recruit. You're just flat out gonna miss on some guys and attrition always seems to get some, including injuries. Hopefully the years of us taking only two OL are behind us, cuz it's going to bite us this season

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Re: Hopefully this season provides the wake up call the staff has needed

Oct 7, 2014, 8:54 AM

Truly it makes no sense to sign 7 DB's in once class and only 2 OL. That always worried me. The math doesn't pan out. 5 OL play in a game at the same tjme. Plus with as long as it takes linemen to learn everything and bulk up, you just need more of them in the program.

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We HAVE been at the right number. You have NO control

Oct 7, 2014, 9:09 AM

over injuries, temporary or permanent.

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Re: Hopefully this season provides the wake up call the staff has needed

Oct 7, 2014, 10:44 AM [ in reply to Re: Hopefully this season provides the wake up call the staff has needed ]

Have you looked at the commits this year? This staff knew they needed OL, look at how many are scheduled to be on campus in January? This staff has recruited the best OL class in Clemson history! They missed getting some real good OL commits, but that is the nature of recruiting, several of the guys Clemson recruited that last 4 or 5 years are now playing in the NFL, a few are starting for other SEC and ACC schools. There is not need for warm bodies, if the man cannot play you do not need him on the roster.
We have 5 that we can win with, and 2 more that can play. That is better than we have been in the past. 2 years ago, we had 5 that took almost every snap, one of them was moved from DL. When one of them went down in the Chik-Fil-a against LSU we were playing a true freshman and LT. ... this staff has inproved the roster tremendously. And next year the best OL class we have ever had!

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I dont comment based on the hopeful results of getting

Oct 7, 2014, 8:45 AM [ in reply to Re: poor recruiting at that position for years now ]

the Tigerpulse up. I speak my mind and call things the way I see them. If people dont like it, let them vote it down, it certainly doesnt bother me.

But I was down on Steele and people were calling me coot, but I was right. I have been criticizing Dabo's lack of OLine recruiting for years, and now it turns out I was right all along.

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^^^misspelled 'dumping STS bullchit @ every opportunity'***

Oct 7, 2014, 9:35 AM

2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonor-clemsontiger1988-110.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

Re: poor recruiting at that position for years now

Oct 7, 2014, 8:36 AM [ in reply to poor recruiting at that position for years now ]

This is someone who has his mind made up, don't confuse him with facts --- sad.

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You want FACTS, in the past four recruiting cycles we've

Oct 7, 2014, 8:48 AM

only recruited NINE offensive linemen. How are you supposed to fill out 2-deep with only 9 OL?? You just cannot do it. Over a 4 year period you should sign 15-16 linemen to account for attrition and the hit/miss rate on players.

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You have your "facts" just wrong.....

Oct 7, 2014, 9:35 AM

Last four recruiting cycles, we have signed 12 offensive lineman. Go back and check you moron. And that doesn't include Reader who was listed as OL. And then the year before that (2010) which would be redshirt-SR now, we signed another 4.

And since you're so consumed with facts, we have "recruited" even more than that. These are the ones that signed.

So, do you want FACTS?!?!?!

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You're the moron, Rivals has us signing

Oct 7, 2014, 11:57 AM

11 total, one was Reader who clearly is not an OL and Isaih Battle was signed twice, so obviously you can only count him once.

That makes 9. I think you better look again you f'ing stupid ######.

2011 - 2 Region and Norton
2012 - 3 Battle, Guillermo, and Destefano (Reader signed here too, but obviously he's a DL and was always going to be a DL)
2013 - 2 Crowder and Morris
2014 - Falcinelli and Hearn

So, again, that's nine, unless you went to USuC and you cannot count. So go EFF yourself you stupid piece of crap!!!

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Re: You're the moron, Rivals has us signing

Oct 7, 2014, 12:50 PM

Are you lying or do you have trouble counting.....
2011 4
2012 3
2013 2
2014 2
2015 4 or 5

I only counted battle once in 2011. You left our ShaqAnthony and OliverJones.

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tight ends are also,in certain cases, recruited to be conv-

Oct 7, 2014, 9:38 AM [ in reply to You want FACTS, in the past four recruiting cycles we've ]

erted into o-linemen, particularly tackles.

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Re: You want FACTS, in the past four recruiting cycles we've

Oct 7, 2014, 1:01 PM [ in reply to You want FACTS, in the past four recruiting cycles we've ]

especially when you run the hunh offense. you need at least two deep or more because it is very difficult for big ugly guys to play a snap every 15-20 seconds and be in good enough shape to pass block a great deal as well. to run this type offense you have to have a taller, leaner o lineman. we do not run much power run game so we do not need the 325-350 pound road grader type. but I do agree you need more than 1 or 2 per cycle. it has been a problem for several years. you can blame it on misses, transfers, injuries or whatever you like, but it has been a problem. seems to have been addressed this year but those coming in may be more than a year away from helping.

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Re: You want FACTS, in the past four recruiting cycles we've

Oct 7, 2014, 8:09 PM

On that, you are very correct. The good news for us is it seems the OL now has become a priority. Fix that "skill position first" mentality, and focus on the "Big Uglies" first, and you build championship teams.

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Re: You want FACTS, in the past four recruiting cycles we've

Oct 8, 2014, 6:04 PM [ in reply to Re: You want FACTS, in the past four recruiting cycles we've ]

The Tiger O has put up record setting numbers using HUNH and most of the time the same 5 have played the majority significant snaps. This is the deepest OL we have had in my memory. 2 starters are down and we are still playing with at least 1 guy that started at UGa as backup, I thought MacLain started at RT at Uga?

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I thought it was an S&C problem?

Oct 7, 2014, 9:33 AM [ in reply to poor recruiting at that position for years now ]


2024 orange level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpgringofhonor-clemsontiger1988-110.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I didn't realize that multiple reasons weren't an option.***

Oct 7, 2014, 2:43 PM

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Re: poor recruiting at that position for years now

Oct 7, 2014, 10:32 AM [ in reply to poor recruiting at that position for years now ]

We are thin because of injuries and transfers. We have recruited well but we also have lost a lot of OL because of career ending injuries. We also have room for one of the nations best OL classes next year! We have been recruiting those guys for 3 or 4 years!

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Who is this "we" that you speak of?***

Oct 7, 2014, 12:40 PM [ in reply to poor recruiting at that position for years now ]

2024 white level memberbadge-donor-10yr.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

With all his success, his highest salary was $25,000 a year. The president of the university, Dr. R. F. Poole, feared that professors who earned less would be upset. "He called me up and said that he didn't want me to tell anybody what I made," Howard once said. "I said: 'Doc, you don't have to worry. I'm as ashamed as you are of what you pay me.' " - Frank Howard Obituary, New York Times, 01/27/1996

Have ya noticed the O line recruits for next year?

Oct 8, 2014, 6:13 PM [ in reply to poor recruiting at that position for years now ]

Best ever - so picking up quality as well as quantity - great future!

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Is Spencer Region a functional Lineman?...

Oct 7, 2014, 8:51 AM

I remember him being signed late in the recruiting process so he must have been a "Fall Back" choice. He has to be either a Red Shirt Junior or a Senior by now. Has he played? Would it be a disaster to have him simply just take up space on the line,

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He was an ESPNU 150 player and rated at 4 stars

Oct 7, 2014, 10:02 AM

But he came in way overweight and it took him 3 years to get to a decent playing weight. He still isn't seeing the field much for reasons only the coaching staff knows.

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Re: Is Spencer Region a functional Lineman?...

Oct 7, 2014, 11:05 AM [ in reply to Is Spencer Region a functional Lineman?... ]

He originally had committed to AL. If they wanted him, he must have been pretty good. I think they got off him, or he got off them, due to weight issues (he did balloon a lot prior to his arrival, though now his weight is back under control) , but he must have had a lot of potential for them to have offered in the first place.

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 9:25 AM

Why don't we start practicing one of the 20 defensive linemen we have at Oline? The Hawaiian Hulk might be able to play some Oline. He's hardly ever going to see the field on the defensive side of the ball this year.

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 9:31 AM

I guess this will almost force some pt and development of young guys so maybe it is a blessing.

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17 of our 85 scholarship players are offensive lineman

Oct 7, 2014, 9:35 AM

and we are thin?


2005_ncaa_champ.jpg flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

I've been wrong two times, but this isn't one of them.

We only have 9 on scholarship who are healthy/not redshirts

Oct 7, 2014, 10:07 AM

by my count, and then 3 walk-ons I've never heard of, 2 guys who are redshirting, and 3 who are hurt

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Re: We only have 9 on scholarship who are healthy/not redshirts

Oct 7, 2014, 11:00 AM

I think we are thin at people the coaches trust. Region hasn't gained the trust in the coaches for some reason. The coaches are not going to put someone in that they feel isn't going to protect the QB enough to get off a pass. So they are now down to 6 players that they trust. With the exception of the O-line we have been pretty lucky with injuries. Go Tigers!

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 10:59 AM

We have played 12 OL so far this year:

Offensive Line (12): Reid Webster 80 (306), Kalon Davis 71 (341), Isaiah Battle 71 (350), Ryan Norton 63 (258), David Beasley 59 (234), Eric Mac Lain 27 (95), Tyrone Crowder 25 (64), Jay Guillermo 16 (153), Spencer Region 8 (36), Maverick Morris 7 (35), Zach Riggs 2 (23), William Cockerill 1 (13)

this week we will start 5 with a lot of experience:
Reid Webster 80 (306), Kalon Davis 71 (341), Isaiah Battle 71 (350), Ryan Norton 63 (258), David Beasley 59 (234),

They are better than some of our OLs over the last 15 years and I expect Eric MacLain and Tyrone Crowder to both play in the NFL in a few years... and they can play now if we need them. Crowder may be our strongest OL.

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Re: New Story: Thin Orange Line

Oct 7, 2014, 11:28 AM

We're thin, but I don't think we're in full-on panic mode yet. We'll be getting some guys back in a couple weeks. Guillermo's injury is a big hit. Norton has not been snapping the ball very accurately, which is a little confusing since he played center last season. I think our OL has been playing pretty well, but it's a difficult position to play. Luckily, we have a pretty daxn good defense this year that will keep us in games if the offense can't get going like it has. I think we have enough playmakers to score points though. Lots of screens, swing passes, and quick slants will help us move the ball. I've seen DW miss a wide open back twice now. He'll have to clean that up. We might miss the deep ball for a couple weeks, but I think we'll be fine. Gore and Guillermo are both back in 3-4 weeks, so hopefully we'll have a healthy OL by GT on Nov 11. Looking at the schedule, we should be fine until then, as long as we can make is through L'ville. Glad we're at home this weekend.

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Re: Steady in the boat

Oct 7, 2014, 12:12 PM

Worst case scenarios should be planned for. Offense just needs to be steady, focused and mistake free. Key to this game will the the Tigers defense. Can they bring it again? You play how you practice and practice should be intense.

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Same problems & excuses YEAR AFTER YEAR. Take more OLs!

Oct 7, 2014, 3:06 PM

I've been hearing the same excuses (injuries, transfers, missed evaluations) throughout the Bowden & Dabo eras. Heck, in 2011 our best OLman was a walk-on (Phillip Price) and when he went down with injury (against Wake), the OL and the offense became impotent, getting whupped by NCSU & SCAR (scoring just 13 points in each game). Little margin for injury on the OL back then too. Dabo has been on staff for 11 years and the head man for 6. How long does it take to learn the lesson and fix the problem? It seems like if he placed as much emphasis on OL as WR, we'd be Top 5.

Paul Strelow did a comparative analysis in spring where he showed that over the previous 3 seasons, (while Clemson had offered 81 WRs) Clemson offered 52 OLs. By comparison, here's what other schools offered over 3 years.
Clemson: 17.3
FSU: 33.6
Bama: 25.6
SCAR: 22

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Re: Same problems & excuses YEAR AFTER YEAR. Take more OLs!

Oct 7, 2014, 4:03 PM

USC has 16 OL on the Roster 2 are seniors
FSU has 19 on the Roster 7 are Seniors...
Clemson had 14 ... 2 less than USC ..... 3 are Seniors. We lost 2 to career ending injuries and 1 transfer and unlike USC we are not able to recruit JuCos.

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Thanks for compiling the data. Good stuff. Backs my point.

Oct 7, 2014, 8:17 PM

If Clemson had taken 2-4 more guys (like USC & FSU) we wouldn't be in this bind. If other schools (like SCAR) can take JUCO's and we can't then it probably makes sense to compensate by taking more recruits.

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Re: Thanks for compiling the data. Good stuff. Backs my point.

Oct 8, 2014, 5:59 PM

Actually your post was incorrect!

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Re: Thanks for compiling the data. Good stuff. Backs my point.

Oct 8, 2014, 6:09 PM [ in reply to Thanks for compiling the data. Good stuff. Backs my point. ]

We are not in a bind, we just need Crowder to step up his game... but he will play this week at some point by the end of the season he might be the starter. Region can also play, he just needs to keep up the hard work.

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In other words, we're in a bind... even moving a DL to OL.***

Oct 8, 2014, 7:08 PM

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The reason you keep hearing the same excuses

Oct 7, 2014, 6:34 PM [ in reply to Same problems & excuses YEAR AFTER YEAR. Take more OLs! ]

is because you have a one track mind. It is you who has railroaded the discussion, not the facts.

To what end is offering a bunch of linemen who are not going to come to Clemson or are not going to contribute? Certainly you don't believe that Strelow's analysis has any real validity. What is an offer? Only something when it can be committed...and if you're believing that FSU gave 33+ committable offers to OL over a 3 year period then I've got some beach front property in Kansas you can pay the mortgage on.

There is a thread showing the OL recruited in the last 5 cycles (since 2010) that I posted today. Then I gave the ratings for each AND the comments from your sainted Dr. B. During the period 2010 through 2013 (so as to affect for a RS year) we've recruited 17 OL to the roster - 1 more than 4 per year - plus they've moved Eric MacLain over from TE as an 18th.

Further, the quality of the OL can only be generally questioned in the 2013 cycle, a period where we took only 2. And our quality linemen from this current season go as far back as 2010 when we recruited Kalon Davis, David Beasley, Reid Webster, and Gifford Timothy, all serviceable at worst.

So when looking at failures of Scoring production against the likes of USuCk and FSU, maybe you should look beyond the tired OL whipping post you keep spouting off about, and look at a QB with a permanent deer-in-the-headlights look on his face, or the propensity to turn the ball over at the most inopportune times, or the almost silly use of trick plays at again the most inopportune times.

You're the broken record here, not the coaches.

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So it's a perennial problem that can never be fixed.

Oct 7, 2014, 9:04 PM

Obviously the offers are indicative of the emphasis to solve the problem. To exaggerate the obvious, if you make 2 offers each year, you're not likely to land as many OLs as if you make 20 offers.

I can't see your earlier analysis so I have no idea what it is, who you counted, or if it's valid.

Did you analysis show that we've been out-recruiting (higher star-ranked) OLs than teams like SCAR & FSU?

The team also has had some other problems like the ones that you mentioned, but I think our OL has been a perennial weakness since the Bowden era. I watch other Top 25-ish teams and see OLs (not all) that win the LOS, open holes, and pass-protect. Do you think the OL has been a perennial strength at Clemson or do you think that there's just nothing that can be done to fix the problem and we'll always be a few injuries away from disaster (like when walk-on Phillip Price went down)?

Why do you lace your posts juvenile insults instead of just making civil adult counterpoints? How old are you?

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Leadmatazz, are you an idiot? Why does this have to be

Oct 7, 2014, 11:01 PM

explained to you over and over and over again? Can you help but be anything but a knuckle-dragging monkey?

Clemson is 8th in the country in wins since 2011. We've had a top 25 offense for 3 years, including top 10 the last two years. We beat the likes of LSU and Ohio State in major/BCS bowl games, and finished the final polls ranked as one of the top 10 teams in the entire United States for two straight years.

Our OL was instrumental in ALL OF THAT. It simply does not happen without quality OL play. What are you failing to see here?

Are you an idiot? I think the answer is perfectly obvious.

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I didn't read your post. Juvenile name-calling is beneath me

Oct 8, 2014, 7:16 PM

And in a previous thread you lied and used profanity. You're obviously not the kind of person who is capable of having an intelligent, civil, adult conversation, so your opinions are of no interest to me.

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Re: So it's a perennial problem that can never be fixed.

Oct 8, 2014, 6:15 PM [ in reply to So it's a perennial problem that can never be fixed. ]

The OL and the DL were a problem during the Bowden days. They signed too few DTs and many of the OL seldom played. When Dabo took the job he has been working hard to fix the issue, they are recruiting OL that can play, more DTs that Clemson has ever had on the roster all of which can play! The deepest DL Clemson has ever had... With the next 2 recruiting classes you will see the deepest OL that Clemson has ever had... there is no need to recruit OL that cannot play at the D1 level, that is what happened under Bowden, they would hang around a few years and the transfer to a FCS school or graduate and move on.

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DL fine but OL has been weak, teetering on the brink.

Oct 8, 2014, 8:03 PM

It looks like Clemson is poised to land some seriously talented OL recruits which should help by 2017 but throughout the last 6 years of Dabo's tenure I think the OL has been weak-to-mediocre, and we're always teetering on the edge of disaster when the inevitable attrition happens, yet year after year, the staff seems surprised that attrition happens. E.g. in 2011 (2 years after Dabo became the HC) our best OL, Phillip Price, was a walk-on, and when he went down against Wake, our offense became impotent costing us blow-out losses to NCSU & SCAR (where we mustered just 13 points in each game). Fast forward to 2014 and once again the OL is teetering on the edge, shuffling guys around, relying on poor performers, and even moving a DL over to OL to try to shore up the disaster.

Sure it stinks that some guys might have to come on board and be quality backups instead of career starters, but that's football. It happens at every other position, so why should the OL be any different?

Why not just take a couple more OLs so we're not always in a bind when the inevitable attrition happens?

Do you think that Clemson's OL has been good, bad or mediocre over Dabo's tenure?

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Yes, listening to you droll on is apparently perennial now***

Oct 8, 2014, 6:27 PM [ in reply to So it's a perennial problem that can never be fixed. ]

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I'll take that to mean you have no answers so you evaded.***

Oct 8, 2014, 7:21 PM

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Evade? I wrote you a whole response with details of all OL

Oct 8, 2014, 8:11 PM

recruiting for the last 5 years. Posted as a new topic on Monday in fact.

Evade? Dude, your petty arrogances neither bother nor impress me.

You think you're slick; you've got an argument for everything; you can sit above everyone else and demean this program because it hasn't given you another ring yet.

Sorry; it ain't working; you sir are simply an azzhole, nothing less.

These coaches have been, and continue to improve this program year in and year out, with or without your support.

So my suggestion is find a way to put your arrogance behind you, take note of some facts - facts - that show things are never as bad as you want to proclaim, and actually show some humility by supporting a great program.

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No. Read my post above. You answered none of my questions.

Oct 9, 2014, 1:14 AM

"Posted as a new topic on Monday" means nothing to me.

Instead of answering my questions above like a civil adult, you evaded by posting a one-line insult. Then you talk down to me, issue juvenile, vulgar insults, and ironically, accuse me of petty arrogance. That's funny, but I guess you don't see the hypocrisy.

It's sad that you can't discuss the topics like civil adult without juvenile insults and vulgarity. How old are you? Is that how your parents raised you to behave?

I post praise and critique to the staff. You never comment when I issue praise but you whine and insult me when I issue critique. It's sad that you're so intolerant of critique of the administration. You must really love them and admire their infallibility.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

"You're the broken record here". Exactly. BlueCaddymatazz

Oct 7, 2014, 11:04 PM [ in reply to The reason you keep hearing the same excuses ]

has kept spewing the same tired nonsense for years. Meanwhile we're breaking records and winning football games at a pace not seen for the majority of Clemson history.

Razzamaleadmonkey is a joke. Obviously.

flag link military_tech thumb_downthumb_up

8th in wins since 2011. Top 10 for two years running...

Oct 7, 2014, 11:05 PM [ in reply to Same problems & excuses YEAR AFTER YEAR. Take more OLs! ]

Seriously, what are you babbling about as far as "excuses". What is your excuse for being so ### ignorant?

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