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FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out
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FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 9:47 AM

Bobby Bowden was great for college football. In many ways Dabo acts like him. The legendary coach is getting all of the praise he deserves.

With that said, I still remember how the FSU Admin set Bowden up by naming Jimbo Fisher the "Head Coach in waiting" in order to keep him from leaving. When they did that, Bowden's days were number as was his power. It was tough watching those last few seasons as everyone was wondering who's in charge.

Well, the FSU admin got what they wanted. They ran Bowden out of town and they paid the price. Sure Jimbo got the natty with QB Crab Legs, but after that he quit on that program and left it in a very sad state and it may be 5-10 years before that program has a chance to recover if not long.

I'm glad to see fans from around the nation give Coach B. his just rewards. The FSU fans should be squirming a little.

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The Artist Formerly Known as "The FIGHTINGDABOS"

Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 10:16 AM

I have nothing but respect for Bobby Bowden and the Bowden family. Like it or not, their "family" issues seemed to become ours since they were spread out among so many institutions.

Coaching situations have changed. "Loyalty" is gone. We look at situations like FSU and think they did the wrong thing in helping Bowden find the exit door. Unfortunately, history doesn't earn coaches long-term passes anymore. The FSU administration thought Bobby Bowden's coaching and recruiting techniques had become obsolete. It was evidenced in the lack of wins, the academic scandal, and other issues. But you must remember...decisions like that are based on inside information. Players, assistant coaches, lost recruits...all of those play a role in coaching changes.

If Dabo goes 38-28 in his next five years, people would be calling for his head. His National Championships would earn him no patience from fans.

It works both ways...schools fire coaches hoping to find someone better...and coaches leave schools in search of greener pastures.

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Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 12:39 PM

Yes. Bingo. College sports is big money and"What have you done for me lately" . Let's not act like it would be any different anywhere else or even Clemson for that matter.

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Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 10:40 AM

FSU did not handle it very well, but Bowden should not have waited to be forced out.He was never the coach for 2000 or so as he was in the '90s,and his "dadgummit" aura had worn thin. It was an object lesson for all of us: when it is time to go, then get gone.

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he stopped being involved as much

Aug 9, 2021, 11:31 AM

he was known for sitting in the golf cart all practice in his latter days

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You’re correct. Big mistake was bringing in Jeff Bowden.

Aug 9, 2021, 12:30 PM [ in reply to Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out ]

Bobby was able to get state nepotism law changed ti bring him in. Then when Jeff flopped he kept him on anyway making fans irate. Bobby should have left after the Penn State bowl game. It would have been perfect.

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Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 10:46 AM

WADR - Bowden should have been classy enough to retire when it was painfully clear his time had passed. His overstaying his welcome as if he was a supreme court justice with a lifetime appointment, is the one blotch on an otherwise stellar record.

By the same token Dabo does not have a lifetime appointment. He is very well compensated with the expectation he will get results. He has earned the benefit of the doubt but that only goes so far. At any point he loses the team or the fanbase hopefully he will thank clemson for the opportunity/memories and move on. Clemson will rightfully erect a statue but only after he retires (see Penn St as to why we should always wait until AFTER retirement).

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Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 1:03 PM

WADR - Bowden should have been classy enough to retire when it was painfully clear his time had passed. His overstaying his welcome as if he was a supreme court justice with a lifetime appointment, is the one blotch on an otherwise stellar record.

By the same token Dabo does not have a lifetime appointment. He is very well compensated with the expectation he will get results. He has earned the benefit of the doubt but that only goes so far. At any point he loses the team or the fanbase hopefully he will thank clemson for the opportunity/memories and move on. Clemson will rightfully erect a statue but only after he retires (see Penn St as to why we should always wait until AFTER retirement).

I agree Bowden's time to step down had come. What kept him around was JO Pa wouldn't retire so they were both competing for the most wins until FSU was forced to vacate 12 wins from an academic scandal from the 2006-2007 season. The FSU Admin seemed okay until that went down and the wheels to remove Bowden started.

I'm not sure if there was a better way to handle Bowden's forced retirement. May he was too dadgum stubborn to leave. Maybe he thought there was one more great run out of him. They should have never publicly anointed Jimbo Fischer and the Head Coach in waiting. I think that created a public drama that could have been avoided.

The FSU power brokers have done a fine job of screwing things up in Tally. They should have ran Jimbo's ### out of town when his players started screwing up an as it became apparent that he quit on the program with recruit he should have been shown the door. Fisher should have at least received the same treatment as Bowden when the program started to collapse rather than let him escape to aTm with a huge contract. Since he left it's only gotten worse.

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The Artist Formerly Known as "The FIGHTINGDABOS"

And we paid for how we treated Danny Ford.

Aug 9, 2021, 1:04 PM

For a LOT of years.

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And Danny Ford paid for how he treated Clemson University.

Aug 9, 2021, 7:06 PM

Probation, minimizing academics, and ultimately publicly feuding with the administration.

Thinking you’re bigger than the university is an automatic dismissal at any legitimate institution, and I’m glad Clemson didn’t stand for it - regardless of what a great coach he was.

Danny couldn’t recreate the Clemson magic at Arkansas, and he hasn’t coached since.

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"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 1:14 PM

FSU did not handle it well, but the university should have gone to his family and convinced them to get him to retire because he was an empty suit towards the end and let that program go to hell.

I get that he was a good person, a good father, a good Christian, but I also know that most people on this board would not be pleased if Dabo ran Clemson the way Bobby Bouden ran FSU.

He built that program on partial qualifiers that were against the rules for ACC and SEC schools. Back then the SEC would allow one partial qualifier per recruiting class and the ACC allowed two.

Bowden built that program with guys that simply could not get into school at SEC and ACC programs and a lot of those guys were serious thugs. He may have been a good person, but he ran that program with a win at all costs attitude.

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It's a difficult situation to handle "correctly" when a

Aug 9, 2021, 1:18 PM

legendary coach is clearly wayyyy past their prime and has no intentions of stepping aside. Penn State was dealing with the same thing right up until the Sandusky stuff ended Joe PA's career.

I think Coach K is doing the right thing and going out on his own terms while he's still a pretty high level coach.

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Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 2:05 PM

Not sure there is any "good" way with a coach that has meant so much to the university for so long. What BB did at FSU was remarkable taking them from a 1-10 doormat to multiple NC's and 14 years of top 5 finishes.

But times change and just like with Beamer up here, Bowden's time had passed. VT appeared to handle it better than FSU, but don't think for a minute that there weren't some very long and hard talks behind closed doors before Beamer announced his retirement. The only thing VT didn't do that FSU did was announce his replacement beforehand, IMO. Not complaining about it, it was time for him to go, but that didn't make it any easier when he did go.

When guys mean that much to a program, I'm not sure there is a "good" way for them to part with the university.

And yes, Dabo and Nick Saban are probably the two filling those shoes right now, and look where Clemson and Alabama are in the college football world. It's not a coincidence. Enjoy it while you can.

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Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 5:08 PM

Totally agree. +1

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Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 2:15 PM

I honestly don't see why folks thought that BB's time was already up. He was less competitive, but he wasn't churning out the garbage currently left in Tally. He did not tank as badly as other modern coaches (see muscoot). Still, it seem like he exited at about the right time.

Would you have fired a coach for being 7-6, 9-4, 7-6, 7-6? <- I mean, this is lifetime contract for the coots.
How about after going 3-6 (really 3-7), 6-7, 5-7, 7-6.

Right now, Bowden's last four year are much, much better than FSU's last 4 years.

You give a legacy coach some time.

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Good points

Aug 9, 2021, 5:04 PM


What were the semihole results the first 4 years after BB stepped down ?

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Brad Brownell: Only Larry freaking Shyatt has a WORSE overall winning percentage among Clemson basketball coaches since 1975. Let that sink in. It's Larry Shyatt & then Brad Brownell.

45-10 with 2 ACC titles and a natty

Aug 9, 2021, 7:17 PM

Jimbos first four years were the best four year stretch for FSU since 1997-2000.

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Boobby should had been given a "Farewell Tour"

Aug 9, 2021, 3:22 PM

Without him, FSU is still a girl's school. Karma is an EX Wive(LOL)

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Re: FSU is paying for the way they Treated Bowden's forced out

Aug 9, 2021, 4:06 PM

Hate to see people like Bowden stay in their position past their time. Under his leadership their program had tanked and he should have seen the writing in the wall, before fisher got there. Bowden really got screwed when the ncaa took some wins away because of a online course some players took and he knew nothing about it but didn’t take any away from Pertino for keeping a child molester on staff for years

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I think he was an incredible coach. I admire his success on the field

Aug 9, 2021, 7:14 PM

and the way he helped revolutionize college football from an option heavy approach to a pass heavy attack. Great players wanted to play for him.

I also admire his faith and how he used his platform for good.

With that said, I never understood why his teams seemed to have so many discipline problems. He clearly wasn’t a strict disciplinarian.

I think Dabo does a much better job balancing being a brilliant football mind and being a player’s coach while still running a tight ship in terms of discipline.

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"All those 'Fire Brownell' guys can kiss it." -Joseph Girard III

"Everybody needs to know that Coach Brownell is arguably the best coach to come through Clemson." -PJ Hall

Re: I think he was an incredible coach. I admire his success on the field

Aug 9, 2021, 8:26 PM

Dabo proves his culture each time events present themselves and adversity hits. He said poor decisions have consequences and I have no doubt Fred Davis and rest of the team will understand that.

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