WATCH: Jimbo Fisher on chop block call "Ridiculous" |
Florida State coach Jimbo Fisher was upset with several calls from the referees during Clemson's close 37-34 win over Florida State including a crucial chop block call that went against his team in the fourth quarter.
"It was ridiculous. It was not a chop, it was not a chop," Fisher said during his postgame press conference. "I will tell you what, you hold coaches accountable, you hold players accountable, hold the damn officials accountable. It is garbage and then to call another penalty on the sideline is even more garbage. It’s cowardly, gutless and wrong. They can fine it or do whatever they want to do with it. That is a fact, look at the film. It is ridiculous that they do that. That was a huge call in the game. We still had chances in the game to win after that, but it was ridiculous. The guy wasn’t even in position to make it, plus it was 10 yards down the field so the penalty should have been marked from there not from the line of scrimmage. It was targeting on 12 (K’Von Wallace) when he got hit in the belly and knocked out. He got hit with the crown of the helmet right in the chest. He gets killed in Miami and he gets killed here. Both of them. Bad, real bad." #FSU head coach Fisher after he was asked about the chop block on what would have been a Dalvin TD

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