Clemson will not charge students for football tickets this season

Clemson will not charge students for football tickets this season

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Clemson University announced a tuition hike as well as a raise for room and board for the 2016 academic year. However, there was good news on the money front for all Clemson students.

Clemson will not charge the students who wish to sit in the lower bowl at football games a yearly donation. The proposal was tabled for the second time in as many years.

Assistant Athletic Director for Communications, Joe Galbraith, told TigerNet Thursday evening that students were notified that tickets would continue to be free.

“The no-cost piece was sent to students in May,” Galbraith said. “We continue to have good conversations with student leaders about the entire ticketing process. “

Back in April, Athletic Director Dan Radakovich proposed a $225 student donation for those students wishing to secure a season ticket in the lower deck, but the proposal allowed students to opt for free upper deck tickets.

The proposal was met with an online petition by students and was strongly opposed by many alumni and fans, leading the athletic department to table discussions of the fee.

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