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Netflix's Untold "swamp kings" is a puff piece
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Netflix's Untold "swamp kings" is a puff piece


Aug 23, 2023, 7:52 AM

Unless you are an urban meyer/tim tebow fan boy i wouldn't waste your time.

Its 3 hrs of how Urban Meyer challenged players to out work everyone and how he recruited the greatest college qb ever... lol

Hardly any coverage about Aaron Hernandez bar fight incident and zero details on the double murder suspicion his freshman yr... nothing about percy Harvin physical fights with coaches. Very small blurb about the multiple arrest of players during the urban era but no blame put on urban. Its laughable

If untold is this good at reshaping history i can only assume their next documentary will be about the 2010 ##### 11 win season called the greatest college team ever ;)

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Re: Netflix's Untold "swamp kings" is a puff piece

Aug 23, 2023, 8:00 AM

i kinda liked it. I'm not a florida fan but I love college football and those years the docuseries highlights were nostalgic for me as a young diehard Clemson fan.

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No mention of how he left Utah, Florida, and Ohio state


Aug 23, 2023, 8:03 AM

Worse than when he started?

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Re: No mention of how he left Utah, Florida, and Ohio state


Aug 23, 2023, 8:16 AM

and how can we forget his brilliant and long tenure in Jacksonville.

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Did he?


Aug 23, 2023, 8:42 AM [ in reply to No mention of how he left Utah, Florida, and Ohio state ]

I hate Urban Meyer and think he's a disgusting human, but I think he generally bailed out before running his programs into the ground.

He went undefeated his last season at Utah. It took a couple of years for them to get going again under Kyle Wittingham and a completely new staff, but they went undefeated again in 2008 and beat Bama. I think Wittingham is a really good coach and it was year 3 so I'm not going to give Urban any credit for that, but I also don't think he destroyed the program before leaving for UF. It was clearly a place a good coach could step in and win.

Will Muschamp went 11-2 his second year at Florida with Urbans players before HE ran the program into the ground. It was, by far, Muschamps best team and one of only two seasons in his HC career that he won more than 7 games.

And Ryan Day had an absolutely loaded team in his first season at OSU that went 13-0 and gave us all we could handle in the CFP.

Compare that to what Jimbo did at FSU...

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In my opinion, his style of leadership led to

Aug 23, 2023, 10:06 AM

a corrupt locker room that ultimately led to the failure of those programs. Yes it may have took time, but I think it was the changes he made. There is a very interesting article about how he shows favoritism towards an inner circle, the more successful athletes. I'm sure all do this to a certain extent. However, Rodriguez, Tebow, etc. would have gotten more food etc, better rooms, seats and on an on. And then if there was punishment, it was always less for a Rodriguez then for others because he was a successful player. Again, I'm sure all programs do that to a certain extent. But I think while Utah and Florida may have taken time, I absolutely think that his leadership style led to a caustic locker room that led to their falls.


Message was edited by: lovingit®

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No doubt his locker room wasnt for everyone...


Aug 23, 2023, 10:29 AM

and he seemed to make that known...at least according to what the players and Meyer himself said. not my cup of tea, but I'll give the guy credit...he can flat out coach a college football team.

He went 83-9 at Ohio St and has a lifetime winning % of 85% at 4 different schools...thats pretty insane. Of all his bowl games, only one game was not a Jan 1 or higher game...his first yr at Utah. The Bowling green teams didn't go to a bowl but thats back when the MAC only got 1 or 2 teams in...had to win your division.

That environment he created certainly seemed toxic and non-sustainable at Florida, but it worked while it worked. Seems like he might have adjusted some things at OSU.

I do agree that while he left all the talent, the next guy had to clean up the locker rooms and set a different tone.

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There is no doubt he can win. It is a win at all costs


Aug 23, 2023, 11:06 AM

attitude. And I do think he leaves things worse off than when he started. If you want to be relevant again quickly he can do it, but at Clemson I wouldn't want the risk/downside that went with it. I guess Ohio State has enough history and recruits itself so well he couldn't screw it up.

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Re: Netflix's Untold "swamp kings" is a puff piece

Aug 23, 2023, 8:05 AM

Tebow = Swamp King

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Re: Netflix's Untold "swamp kings" is a puff piece


Aug 23, 2023, 8:29 AM

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I had zero interest in watching it. I didn’t even bother


Aug 23, 2023, 11:07 AM

watching the preview, either.

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